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Getting to Happy (2010)

Tekijä: Terry McMillan

Sarjat: Waiting to Exhale (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
3841367,375 (3.5)14
A sequel to "Waiting to Exhale" picks up fifteen years later to find Savannah contemplating divorce, Bernadine succumbing to painkiller addiction after a second husband's swindle, Robin falling into shopaholism, and Gloria confronting profound change after a fateful event.
Viimeisimmät tallentajatRellwood_74, kcchessor, Magpiebooks, cory1906, Jkeleigh1

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I liked it. I didn't love it as I did Waiting to Exhale. It didn't flow as well as the first one. ( )
  LadyRakat | Feb 1, 2024 |
This book is really ZERO stars. It comes off as a cash grab for Terry McMillain to have source material to make a Waiting to Exhale II.

Let's start with how all the good guys go to shit, shall we?
Gregory Hines passed away at some point either before or during her writing this, so she wrote Marvin out the book (he gets murdered buying a Xmas tree in a gang shootout, wtf?). After being married to Gloria for 15 years, you know she back to being a wreck like she was pining for her gay baby daddy back in the day. Her getting to happy is gaining back all the weight she lost after he dies and having her deadbeat ass girlfriends jock her constantly about it.

James (you know the guy that was married to the dying white woman in the first book that swept Bernie off her feet respectfully) is now ia con artist with a very alive and black wife, who has ran through all her money while Bernie is a pill head. That's right,her getting to happy is being a mainlining junkie circling the toilet bowl of ex's because, get this, she winds up taking John back after his trash wife leaves him and their mulatto kid behind.

Robin is still circling the bowl in love on the shallow end of ex's as well, since her getting to happy is returning back to Michael (you know, she could have had a V8 the peen was so tiny) because he loses weight. I'd rather she go back to flip flopping with Russell trifling ass (who is also floating around, same as before, attempting to be something he aint).

Savannah finally gets a husband that ain't tied to somebody else, and her getting to happy is dumping him because after some years she's bored with him. So now, at age 50, she wants alone time after bagging and tagging her man. That's her getting to happy.

Doesn't help that Whitney Houston died by the time this was released (and she was in talks to star in the sequel) so I'm expecting Savannah to die off in Book 3.

This is a redundant snooze fest slash complete desecration of characters we know and love from the 90s. Pass right on by it, unless you like the weak, dull, boring, neverending explorative narration that has underwhelmed all of Terry McMillan's books since How Stella Got Her Groove Back. This one is worse than A Day Late and A Dollar Short, and that one was a stinker. ( )
  Articul8Madness | Nov 6, 2023 |
Same women from Waiting to Exhale - 15 years later.

Oh, how it feels like I am reading the story of a bunch of my own girlfriends. I feel the pain, excitement...although disagree with some of their decisions.

I am always going to pick up a Terry McMillan book when in doubt...because she always tells interesting stories with heart. ( )
  maitrigita | Oct 2, 2022 |
Really enjoyed this book. The characters are awesome.

Loving this book! Sequel to "Waiting to Exhale," which I haven't read but it is one of my fav chick flicks. The characters are so real and dealing with every day crap. I get excited when I get the chance to read this book! ( )
  BarbF410 | May 22, 2022 |
I'm not a big Terry McMillian fan but having read Waiting to Exhale as my introduction into African American fiction when I was 12, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to check in on Robin, Gloria, Savannah and Bernadine.

The first thing I thought was the beginning was pretty depressing. All about no- good men and the one "perfect" man in the book gets killed off. It's like you could feel the anger and the bitterness seeping of the pages. I tried to ignore it, but the more I read, the more I felt it. Then somewhere in the middle, the tone of the book changed and then the book got boring and predictable. In the end, I was just glad to be done with it and appreciated being able to re-visit some ladies who changed my life.

Overall, I wasn't disappointed although the dialogue was a little stiff ( and boring) and some of the relationship just didn't ring true ( mainly the Robin/ Sparrow and other mother/child ones felt forced). If you were a fan of the WTE ( movie or book), than I recommend this book ( )
  sunshine608 | Feb 2, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Nothing can be forced to live. / The earth is like a drug now, like a voice from far away, a lover or master. In the end, you do what the voice tells you. / It says forget, you forget. / It says begin again, you begin again. -- from "March" by Louise Gluck
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Dedicated to Mrs. Helen Johnson, who deserves as much happiness as she can stand.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


A sequel to "Waiting to Exhale" picks up fifteen years later to find Savannah contemplating divorce, Bernadine succumbing to painkiller addiction after a second husband's swindle, Robin falling into shopaholism, and Gloria confronting profound change after a fateful event.

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3 18
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5 9

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