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Solar Electricity Basics: A Green Energy Guide

Tekijä: Dan Chiras

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241963,961 (4)-
The future will be powered by renewables. As we transition away from finite and polluting fossil fuels, clean, reliable, and affordable renewable technologies such as solar electricity will become the mainstay of our energy supply.  Solar Electricity Basics provides a clear understanding of electricity and energy. It discusses the types of solar electric system you can choose from, their components, solar site assessment, the installation of photovoltaic systems, and much more. Whether your goal is to lower your energy bill or to achieve complete energy independence, Solar Electricity Basics is the introduction you need. Dan Chiras is a respected educator and an internationally acclaimed author who has published more than twenty-five books on residential renewable energy and green building, including Power From the Sun.… (lisätietoja)

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Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta.

Like his book on wind energy, this is an excellent introduction to solar energy. The terms have been explained clearly, and simply.
The chapter layout is excellent, and this makes it easy to keep going back to specific sections of the book whenever you want.

The writing style is clear, simple and yet covers enough matter for the lay reader to lay back and feel satisfied. For the person who wants to go deeper, the ways in have been clearly indicated.

I recommend this book ( )
  RajivC | Apr 19, 2012 |
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The future will be powered by renewables. As we transition away from finite and polluting fossil fuels, clean, reliable, and affordable renewable technologies such as solar electricity will become the mainstay of our energy supply.  Solar Electricity Basics provides a clear understanding of electricity and energy. It discusses the types of solar electric system you can choose from, their components, solar site assessment, the installation of photovoltaic systems, and much more. Whether your goal is to lower your energy bill or to achieve complete energy independence, Solar Electricity Basics is the introduction you need. Dan Chiras is a respected educator and an internationally acclaimed author who has published more than twenty-five books on residential renewable energy and green building, including Power From the Sun.

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