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Untamed: Reactivating a Missional Form of Discipleship (Shapevine)

Tekijä: Alan Hirsch, Debra Hirsch

Muut tekijät: Rick Warren (Esipuhe)

Sarjat: Shapevine

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1462189,942 (3.72)-
Discipleship is costly. Are we willing to critique and even challenge much we've been taught for the sake of the kingdom? For this is the radical nature of the discipleship to which Jesus calls us. He did not allow the outside culture to hold him captive; instead he established the kingdom of God and turned the world on its head. Jesus was untamed, and he calls his church to be the same. In this provocative and compelling book, internationally known missiologists Alan and Debra Hirsch overthrow culturized understandings of theology and culture, and cast a vision for a distinctly mission-shaped way of living the Christian life. Written for any Christian serious about issue of discipleship, Untamed covers such topics as church, humans as bearers of the image of God, family life, culture, and sexuality. Through it all they seek to answer the question, how are we to think and live day to day as followers of Jesus? Each chapter ends with suggested practices to help readers begin to live out the book's principles as well as questions for group discussion.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Parts of this book are really good. I think this book is weakest on cultural analysis (where they pretty much assume that the culture is middle class). The emphasis on the the Shema-shaped spirituality and the Triune God are good and helpful.

This isn't really a book about missional discipleship even though it says that. This is a book that is advocating for missional discipleship. I suppose 'a book' on missional discipleship would be a suspect endeavor because the type of lifestyle that the Hirsches are advocating for is a risky trust in the trinity and seeking to allow that to touch all of life. ( )
  Jamichuk | May 22, 2017 |
Just as we often re-create Jesus in our own image (making Jesus reflect our culture, race, values, etc.), it is far too easy to put aside the biblical picture of discipleship in favor of one that mirrors our own cultural preferences and comforts. Alan and Debra Hirsch call the reader to follow “shema spirituality” (Mark 12:29-31) – a way of learning from Jesus that demands our entire selves (heart, mind, soul, and strength; e.g. family, money, sex, time) and prepares us for a mission marked by presence, proximity, powerlessness, provenience, proclamation, and passion. B ( )
  bsanner | Aug 6, 2010 |
näyttää 2/2
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Alan Hirschensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Hirsch, Debrapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Warren, RickEsipuhemuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Discipleship is costly. Are we willing to critique and even challenge much we've been taught for the sake of the kingdom? For this is the radical nature of the discipleship to which Jesus calls us. He did not allow the outside culture to hold him captive; instead he established the kingdom of God and turned the world on its head. Jesus was untamed, and he calls his church to be the same. In this provocative and compelling book, internationally known missiologists Alan and Debra Hirsch overthrow culturized understandings of theology and culture, and cast a vision for a distinctly mission-shaped way of living the Christian life. Written for any Christian serious about issue of discipleship, Untamed covers such topics as church, humans as bearers of the image of God, family life, culture, and sexuality. Through it all they seek to answer the question, how are we to think and live day to day as followers of Jesus? Each chapter ends with suggested practices to help readers begin to live out the book's principles as well as questions for group discussion.

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