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Sick as a Parrot

Tekijä: Liz Evans

Sarjat: PI Grace Smith (5)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
643415,596 (4)4
Adopted at birth, Hanna Conti attempts to trace her family. She turns up a mother who, 20 years earlier, was convicted of murder. Convinced that her mother is innocent, Hannah hires PI Grace Smith to prove it. Grace uncovers the story of the very messy murder of Janet Hepburn, a teacher at St. Martin’s Comprehensive, but there are a lot of people who’d rather she stopped digging. On Grace’s side (or possibly not) is an ex-cop with a shady past and Betterman177, a mysterious emailer who sends tantalizing clues about what was happening at St. Martin’s two decades ago. To add to these complications, Grace has been conned into bird-sitting a psychotic parrot, and Terry Rosco, the most chauvinistic cop in Seatoun, is trying to move into Grace’s spare room. And, oh yes--someone keeps trying to kill her.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
If you're going to pick a lock in full view it's best to be open about it. Skulking around looking furtive attracts attention. If you look like you're meant to be there, most people will assume you are. Of course, having a parrot warbling that we're off to see the wizard is something of a handicap if you're trying to be inconspicuous.

Private eye Grace Smith is investigating the twenty-year-old murder of a teacher, on behalf of the daughter of the teenage girl convicted of the murderer. This is made harder by the fact that she is simultaneously babysitting Tallulah, a parrot who can't bear to be left alone, in return for free meals at the local greasy spoon.

This is the third book in the series and is just as enjoyable as the first two, although December and his donkeys hardly get a look-in which is a pity. What I like about this series is that they are very funny books, but there is still an underlying sadness due to the murders. The victims are portrayed sympathetically, and the laughs come from other sources. ( )
  isabelx | Mar 30, 2011 |
Excellent stuff. Liz Evans gets better with every book. More comments later...
  nocto | Dec 15, 2010 |
I am a self professed series whore and I have certain rules that must be followed when reading a series. Rule #1 on the list a series must be read in order...

However, in this case I made an exception firstly because I thought it was the first book (who lists the order of books in a series in reverse?? seriously??) and secondly because by the time I realized it wasn't the first I was having way to much fun to stop reading.

After reading the first paragraph I knew it was right up my ally...

"There is a moment in every case when you realize things aren't going as planned; in this case it was being perched half-naked up an oak tree with a drop-dead sexy murder suspect a few feet away."

... and I wasn't disappointed. The main character, Grace Smith, was fabulous she was funny, snarky and even though she goofed sometimes she didn't need to be completely inept to add humour to the book (cough, Stephanie Plum, cough).

Plus this book had too of my favourite things sarcasm and animals (in this case a neurotic parrot named Tallulah).

I read this book in two very late night sittings and I laughed out loud through the entire book (hubby was not impressed). As far as the mystery plot I found it enjoyable and I wasn't able to figure it out however, quite honestly I was having so much fun with the characters I really didn't pay too much attention to the mysteryr plot.

Although hardcore mystery fans may not enjoy the book as much as I did I highly recommend it to anyone who likes to have a good laugh while reading particularly those who enjoy dry humour.

I for one will be going out to purchase the rest of the series tomorrow. ( )
4 ääni dbolahood | Dec 25, 2007 |
näyttää 3/3
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There is a moment in any case when you realise thing aren't going as planned; in this case it was being perched half-naked up an oak tree with a drop-dead sexy murder suspect a few feet away.
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Adopted at birth, Hanna Conti attempts to trace her family. She turns up a mother who, 20 years earlier, was convicted of murder. Convinced that her mother is innocent, Hannah hires PI Grace Smith to prove it. Grace uncovers the story of the very messy murder of Janet Hepburn, a teacher at St. Martin’s Comprehensive, but there are a lot of people who’d rather she stopped digging. On Grace’s side (or possibly not) is an ex-cop with a shady past and Betterman177, a mysterious emailer who sends tantalizing clues about what was happening at St. Martin’s two decades ago. To add to these complications, Grace has been conned into bird-sitting a psychotic parrot, and Terry Rosco, the most chauvinistic cop in Seatoun, is trying to move into Grace’s spare room. And, oh yes--someone keeps trying to kill her.

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