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Tyger, Tyger Burning Bryght: Orion, Book 1 (2012)

Tekijä: Cathryn Cade

Sarjat: The Orion Series (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
584457,298 (3.03)1
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Half -man, half-beast, untamable...except by the one woman born for him.

The Orion series

As a novice interpreter aboard the space ship Orion, Calla Fellura is in uncharted territory. Especially when it comes to figuring out how to approach the ship's sexy navigator, who seems to have no shortage of willing women vying for his attention.

Tryon Jag is an alpha male tyger, one of the few who possess the instincts to guide a ship safely through the deadly Cattarus system. Handsome, wealthy, and of royal blood, Jag controls his universeand most of the females in itas easily as he navigates the Orion.

But when Jag unexpectedly undergoes his mating shift on board ship instead of safely on his home planet, he must have a woman or go mad with rage and lust. With an eco-saboteur somewhere aboard, there couldn't be a worse time for him to lose his mind.

For the sake of duty, Calla forces herself into Jag's lair. And finds herself blossoming into a true Tyger lily, a woman born to enchant a powerful beast.

The only woman who can save Jagand the entire crewfrom certain annihilation.

… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Interesting idea for a story, but the execution fell short for me. Too much manipulation and not enough time to understand WHY the characters like each other (let alone, love!). ( )
  vampkiss | Oct 23, 2013 |
Not so much. The story flat lined. The characters are cardboard-y. Not worth reading and definitely not worth going to the next in the series. ( )
  lesmel | May 19, 2013 |
To view full review including excerpt and dialogue highlight, please visit BonaFide Reflections.
I completed this review as a guest post. You can also view my blog at
readersedyn (dot) blogspot (dot) com


I read Tyger, Tyger Burning Bryght as few months ago and am only just getting a chance to write the review. As I recall, this was the first sci-fi, paranormal romance I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Ms. Cade does a fantastic job of creating a believable, futuristic world of alien species and technologies dreamed of. While there is a lot of language used, somehow it fit. I suppose I can attribute such raw acceptance to the fact that this is a science fiction novel. Within my mind, as far as science fiction goes, anything goes. You just have to be open-minded enough to be able to both accept it and recreate it in your head. But I am no strange to the realm of science fiction. In books yes, but not with television. My Dad raised me on Star Trek, so from a very young age I was exposed to all types of creatures. It is kind of funny to watch the original Star Trek series now when you see how far we have come with special effects. As I got older I watched shows like Stargate: SG1, Farscape, all of the Start Trek spin-offs, and many more. But I digress. I believe my point it that such an exposure has allowed me to broaden my mind when reading outside of the box.

Maybe I should get back to the book now. *coughs* Ahem. So Tryon is a Tyger and has been caught off world and mid voyage in the middle of his mating shift. Needless to say, he needs sex and lots of it – fast. The consequences could mean the deaths of many crew members should he be unable to satisfy the sexual need deep within. Calla is also a Tyger and took notice of Tryon when the voyage began, but when he looked right past her, her hope for a tryst faded and he instead became the object of her fantasies. Now she is the only hope for the crew and, well … Tryon’s only hope to regain control and ability to perform his duties.

I can honestly say that I really enjoyed the time spent reading this story. It was the first time I have read Ms. Cade and I will definitely be back to read more of her work. Perhaps even within this series, The Orion Series. From what I found on the publisher’s website, Tyger Tyger is the first book in the series with 5 books currently published. I wanted to share some other excerpts with everyone, but I am guest posting and thought I should try to keep it clean. I don’t mind saying that I had one heck of a time finding passages that were “clean”. This story is loaded with graphic sexual encounters, and dang! Let me tell you just how smokin’ hot they are! Good lawd!

That said, even with all of the sexually descriptive scenes, Ms. Cade manages to craft a workable storyline between them. I liked that Tryon is an alpha male that is unexpectedly paired with a strong female. Calla gives as good as she gets most of the time and inevitably, this dense alpha finally gets the clue that he likes it. Unaccustomed to females giving him attitude, Calla well and truly rocks his world. And in the midst of all of this is another component to the story. A group of terrorists has snuck on board and plans to sabotage the ship. The intruder is eventually left to Tryon to sift out. Meanwhile, Tryon makes a muck of his relationship with Calla. Seems crazy, right? A shifting male Tyger, his unplanned female mate with sass, a saboteur on board, the fate of many depending upon it all, crazy amounts of hawt sex, and a potential future relationship gone awry by the ever-present male without a clue. Yeah, I know. But it works and I was completely entertained by it. I mean if a shifting male Tyger and loads of awesomesauce sex don’t grab you, then I really have no idea what else I could dangle in front of you. It is not a deep story that is going to explore the inner angst of the main characters, but it is entertaining at the very least.

(Digital book purchased for personal library) ( )
  GzNKz4evr | Jan 30, 2012 |
This review was written by the author.
I wrote this book. It is a best-selling erotic romance, between a shape-shifter and the woman who will mate with him to save herself and her ship from annihilation.

It has been improperly reviewed elsewhere on LibraryThing as a YA. It is not appropriate for those under 18.
  CathrynCee | Aug 19, 2010 |
näyttää 4/4
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Half -man, half-beast, untamable...except by the one woman born for him.

The Orion series

As a novice interpreter aboard the space ship Orion, Calla Fellura is in uncharted territory. Especially when it comes to figuring out how to approach the ship's sexy navigator, who seems to have no shortage of willing women vying for his attention.

Tryon Jag is an alpha male tyger, one of the few who possess the instincts to guide a ship safely through the deadly Cattarus system. Handsome, wealthy, and of royal blood, Jag controls his universeand most of the females in itas easily as he navigates the Orion.

But when Jag unexpectedly undergoes his mating shift on board ship instead of safely on his home planet, he must have a woman or go mad with rage and lust. With an eco-saboteur somewhere aboard, there couldn't be a worse time for him to lose his mind.

For the sake of duty, Calla forces herself into Jag's lair. And finds herself blossoming into a true Tyger lily, a woman born to enchant a powerful beast.

The only woman who can save Jagand the entire crewfrom certain annihilation.


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