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The Havilfar Cycle I [The Saga of Dray Prescot Omnibus #2]

Tekijä: Kenneth Bulmer

Sarjat: Dray Prescot (#6-8 (Havilfar Cycle))

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
9-2,037,132 (4.5)-
Together, the three books in this volume make up the first part of the Havilfar Cycle of the Saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen. Dray Prescot is launched headlong into a brand-new series of adventures upon the planet of Kregen, that marvelous and beautiful, mystical and terrible world four hundred light-years away beneath the Suns of Scorpio. A new life opens for Dray, but that new life is cruelly different from all he expected and dreamed, hurling him into fresh adventure and danger among peoples and places far removed from those he knows and loves. This book contains... Manhounds of Antares Arena of Antares Fliers of Antares… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMux79, OgreZed, Dr_Bob, joffaboy0, bookstopshere, VenRandle, lente

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Dray Prescot (#6-8 (Havilfar Cycle))
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Together, the three books in this volume make up the first part of the Havilfar Cycle of the Saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen. Dray Prescot is launched headlong into a brand-new series of adventures upon the planet of Kregen, that marvelous and beautiful, mystical and terrible world four hundred light-years away beneath the Suns of Scorpio. A new life opens for Dray, but that new life is cruelly different from all he expected and dreamed, hurling him into fresh adventure and danger among peoples and places far removed from those he knows and loves. This book contains... Manhounds of Antares Arena of Antares Fliers of Antares

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Keskiarvo: (4.5)
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