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A Man Called Brazos

Tekijä: Theodore V. Olsen

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1011,858,295 (4)-
A book written by T V Olsen. No parents and no kin. Just a drunken old man who had made the kid his partner, taught him to work the wild herds, turned Kane into as tough a mustanger as ever held a rope. Now the old man had been murdered. And with the killer was every cent the two of them had, once-in-a-lifetime stake of $12,000 that Brazos had sweated through hell to earn. But, Brazos knew what the killer looked like - and knew he was headed for a place called Two Troughs. Brazos would follow him and he would find him and nothing on earth would come between Kane and revenge...… (lisätietoja)

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This is a classic pulp fiction western, but better written and more entertaining than most.

Drifting loner arrives at a new location where two large ranchers are coexisting in an uneasy truce. At issue is public grazing land that one owner has long regarded as his exclusively. The loner hires on at one ranch, then meets the beautiful daughter of the rancher than has long held grazing rights in the public domain. A criminal element is working to prod the two ranchers into open warfare in order to take over both ranches in the aftermath. The loner is framed for the attempted murder of his boss and goes on the run.

Guess how it will all turn out.

This is a fun, quick, easy read. ( )
  Tatoosh | Oct 25, 2018 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


A book written by T V Olsen. No parents and no kin. Just a drunken old man who had made the kid his partner, taught him to work the wild herds, turned Kane into as tough a mustanger as ever held a rope. Now the old man had been murdered. And with the killer was every cent the two of them had, once-in-a-lifetime stake of $12,000 that Brazos had sweated through hell to earn. But, Brazos knew what the killer looked like - and knew he was headed for a place called Two Troughs. Brazos would follow him and he would find him and nothing on earth would come between Kane and revenge...

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