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The Sugarless Plum

Tekijä: Zippora Karz

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336742,559 (3.73)1
It started as the perfect story. Zippora Karz was a member of the famed New York City Ballet by the age of eighteen. By twenty she was starring as the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker, dancing roles created by Jerome Robbins, and traveling the world. It was the stuff dreams are made of until, at age twenty-one, Karz was diagnosed with diabetes. Balancing ballet and her blood sugar would be a long and difficult struggle for Karz. In The Sugarless Plum, Karz shares her journey from denial, shame and miseducation about her illness to how she led an active, balanced and satisfying life as an insulin-dependent diabetic and soloist with one of the world's most famous ballet companies. The Sugarless Plum takes readers deep into the heart and soul of a young dancer, and is a remarkable testament to determination and perseverance.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
The fascinating story of Zippora Karz, a ballet dancer with the New York City ballet who was diagnosed with diabetes during her dancing career. I shudder at the ineptitude of the American medical system of the 1990s as Karz was repeatedly diagnosed and misdiagnosed as both a Type 1 and a Type 2 diabetic. Ultimately she was an insulin dependent Type 1 diabetic, which is phenomenally difficult to manage whilst maintaining a full-time career as a dancer. Well written, this book paints a wonderfully clear picture of what it was like to dance at this high level despite the accommodations that had to be made for her diabetes. ( )
  Meggo | Jan 12, 2013 |
The Sugarless Plum by Zippora Karz is about the author's experience living with diabetes. Karz's case is a bit unique, as she's a ballerina, so she must walk a fine line in her insulin and sugar intake.I felt the Sugarless Plum was fairly depressing. I know she eventually gets past her disease, that's what happens in pretty much every IMPORTANT ISSUE/DISEASE memoir, but it still sort of made me sad. I guess I never really thought of diabetes as being a big deal, after all I've read The Babysitter's Club, and Stacey never seemed to have huge problems with her diabetes.I thought the dance aspects of the book were fairly interesting, as I don't know anything about dance. I can't sit still long enough to watch a dance show -- they sort of bore me. However, reading about dance is a whole other ball game.I definitely would have liked to read more about Zippora's family, they seemed quite fascinating, I wanted more about why her mom was so cool with her leaving home for NYC at 16 to dance. I know my parents would have put up a shitstorm if I did that.The writing was, much like every other issue based memoir only minus the crazy world of drugs, mediocre. I would recommend this if you are interested in learning about diabetes or are interested in the NYC Ballet Company. ( )
  booksandwine | Oct 7, 2010 |
This book is a recollection of the authors journey after finding out she has diabetes. There is more about life as a dancer than about her diabetes and at times there is information that is not needed and left me wondering why it was added. That being said, we get whole picture, not just bits and pieces. Not only do we get a story about her diabetes, we also get a story about her life as a ballerina. Finding out you have diabetes at such a young age and being as fit as she was, was a huge shock. This book tells her story of the fight not let diabetes take over her life. There are a few pages of photos that are a great addition and at the end is a Resource section for people with diabetes. Overall, I liked the book very much and would recommend it to not only aspiring ballerinas or those with diabetes, but to anyone who has a hurdle they are climbing in order to reach their goal in life. ( )
  VickiLN | Dec 31, 2009 |
Author Zippora Karz offers an insightful look at her struggle to manage diabetes as a solo ballerina in her memoir The Sugarless Plum: A Ballerina’s Triumph Over Diabetes. Ms. Karz’s love of dance started at an early age and with the encouragement of her family and ballet teacher, she was able to earn a place in the New York City Ballet company at the age of eighteen.

Ms. Karz’s dedication and diligent work ethic earned her many solos including the lead as the Sugar Plum Fairy in numerous productions of The Nutcracker. As the instructors and choreographers were beginning to notice her talent, the ballerina’s began experiencing increased thirst, dizziness, numbness in her limbs, significant weight loss and painful sores under her arms. At first, Ms. Karz wrote these ailments off as the consequences of an intense schedule of morning classes, hours of afternoon rehearsals and evening performances almost every night of the week. As her condition deteriorated, medical advice was finally sought and and an initial and inaccurate diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes was made. When the initial regimen of blood sugar monitoring and maintenance proved to be ineffective for the long term, the author turned to other sources of advice from a specialized diet from her grandmother to homeopathic remedies. Eventually, through the efforts of a trusted doctor, Ms. Karz was found to actually suffer from Type 1 diabetes which added the daunting task of insulin treatment.

Ms. Karz does a wonderful job of chronicling the conflict of managing diabetes and the physical and emotional requirements needed to be a ballerina for one of the most prestigious companies in the world. Her descriptions of life as a ballerina are so insightful. These were my favorite sections of the book. It was a glimpse behind the curtain and showed the extremes these dancers enter into for their moment on stage. The author is honest with her reactions to this disease from denial, defeat and finally acceptance. Anyone who lives with or is close to someone with diabetes will find this an enlightening and beautiful story. ( )
  cjz111 | Nov 20, 2009 |
This was a fascinating, well-written read. Karz takes us into the world of the School of American Ballet, founded by the great George Balanchine, as well as the New York City Ballet. The world of ballet is tough, dancers often perform with sprains and even broken bones. A week off could be a huge setback in a ballerina's career. A mistake in rehearsal could cost a lead role. They learn to ignore pain, which is why it takes Karz so long to seek medical treatment despite her worsening symptoms and near collapse. And when she is finally diagnosed with diabetes, she is diagnosed with the wrong type, which means the wrong treatment. But she is determined to continue to dance while trying to understand this disease, which she feels has taken over her life and threatens her career. She eventually not only learns about it but becomes a spokesperson.

This book read very quickly, and is definitely recommended for anyone who loves the ballet. Karz gives a really good overview of the ballet world. I have a new respect for these under appreciated athletes. Even if you can't relate to diabetes, it is about taking control of your own health.

my rating 4.5/5 ( )
  bookmagic | Nov 12, 2009 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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It started as the perfect story. Zippora Karz was a member of the famed New York City Ballet by the age of eighteen. By twenty she was starring as the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker, dancing roles created by Jerome Robbins, and traveling the world. It was the stuff dreams are made of until, at age twenty-one, Karz was diagnosed with diabetes. Balancing ballet and her blood sugar would be a long and difficult struggle for Karz. In The Sugarless Plum, Karz shares her journey from denial, shame and miseducation about her illness to how she led an active, balanced and satisfying life as an insulin-dependent diabetic and soloist with one of the world's most famous ballet companies. The Sugarless Plum takes readers deep into the heart and soul of a young dancer, and is a remarkable testament to determination and perseverance.

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