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Faith Lessons on the Early Church: Conquering the Gates of Hell Leader's Guide (Church Vol. 5)

Tekijä: Ray Vander Laan

Sarjat: Faith Lessons (Leader's Guide - 5)

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393642,419 (5)-
VIDEO ONE: Caesarea Philippi - Everything to Lose, Nothing to Gain. In the midst of pagan self-indulgence, Jesus challenged his disciples to deny themselves and follow him. Christians today must also have the courage to boldly live out Christ's message in a pagan society. Sardis - The Salt of the Earth. The apostle John used the example of Sardis, a city that overlooked its weak points and thereby enabled invading armies to conquer it, to warn Christians to be alert to their weakness so that they would not compromise their faith. Pergamum - Where Satan Lives. At this regional seat of Rome, the governor had 'the power of the sword' to determine life and death. John reminded Christians of this powerful, pagan city that Jesus alone-not the Roman governor-hold all power, including power of life and death. VIDEO TWO: Ephesus - The Mark of the Beast. In this wealthy, beautiful center of idolatry, Paul unashamedly proclaimed the truth of the Gospel. Like Paul and other Christians in Ephesus, we are to love one another and courageously live out the truth of Christ in a culture that is openly hostile toward him. Laodicea - Hot or Cold. Laodiceans had a unique understanding of why lukewarm water was worthless. Today, we are to be like a hot bath or a cold drink to a world in need of cleansing and refreshment.5 sessions; 2 videos, 130 minutes.… (lisätietoja)

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  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
In-depth video tour of the buried, distant or otherwise forgotten places where the stories of the Bible actually happened. Filmed on location: Caesarea Philippi, Sardis, Pergamum, Ephesus, Laodicea
  SITAG_Family | Aug 13, 2021 |
In-depth video tour of the buried, distant or otherwise forgotten places where the stories of the Bible actually happened. Filmed on location: Sea of Galilee, Kursi, Caesarea Philippi, Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Capernaum/Gethsemane, Garden Tomb, Southern Stairs, Caesarea
  SITAG_Family | Aug 13, 2021 |
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Faith Lessons (Leader's Guide - 5)
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VIDEO ONE: Caesarea Philippi - Everything to Lose, Nothing to Gain. In the midst of pagan self-indulgence, Jesus challenged his disciples to deny themselves and follow him. Christians today must also have the courage to boldly live out Christ's message in a pagan society. Sardis - The Salt of the Earth. The apostle John used the example of Sardis, a city that overlooked its weak points and thereby enabled invading armies to conquer it, to warn Christians to be alert to their weakness so that they would not compromise their faith. Pergamum - Where Satan Lives. At this regional seat of Rome, the governor had 'the power of the sword' to determine life and death. John reminded Christians of this powerful, pagan city that Jesus alone-not the Roman governor-hold all power, including power of life and death. VIDEO TWO: Ephesus - The Mark of the Beast. In this wealthy, beautiful center of idolatry, Paul unashamedly proclaimed the truth of the Gospel. Like Paul and other Christians in Ephesus, we are to love one another and courageously live out the truth of Christ in a culture that is openly hostile toward him. Laodicea - Hot or Cold. Laodiceans had a unique understanding of why lukewarm water was worthless. Today, we are to be like a hot bath or a cold drink to a world in need of cleansing and refreshment.5 sessions; 2 videos, 130 minutes.

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