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Longing In Their Hearts

Tekijä: Bonnie Raitt

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
421605,442 (4.5)-
This selection of J M Barrie's work covers three different genres and all the most telling themes found in his writing: Scotland, childhood, fantasy and sentimentality, sexual anxiety, theatrical invention, social comedy, and proto-feminism. The disturbing prose fable of The Little White Bird contains the first and most original exploration of the Peter Pan theme, properly set in the wider context of a middle-aged man's engagement with creation, fantasy, and loneliness—a theme which made Barrie world-famous and haunted him for the rest of his life. In a one-act play of scintillating satire, The Twelve-Pound Look exposes the pomposities of male pride and public success in 1910 from the point of view of an ex-wife unexpectedly returned as her (be)knighted husband's typist. Written in diary form and telling of an uncanny romance in a remote winter glen, Farewell Miss Julie Logan evokes the author's fascination with longing, death, and loss in a novella which can stand with the stories of the supernatural and which itself raises questions about the nature of romance fiction. This volume offers an exciting reassessment of one of Scotland's most unusual and misrepresented writers. Edited and introduced by Andrew Nash.… (lisätietoja)

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1 Love Sneakin' Up On You
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] – Arnold McCuller, Bonnie Raitt, David Lasley, Sir Harry Bowens*, Sweet Pea Atkinson
Bass – James "Hutch" Hutchinson*
Drums – Ricky Fataar
Electric Guitar – George Marinelli
Keyboards – Scott Thurston
Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa
Vocals, Slide Guitar – Bonnie*
Written-By – Jimmy Scott (5), Tom Snow
2 Longing In Their Hearts
Bass – James "Hutch" Hutchinson*
Drums – Ricky Fataar
Electric Guitar, Mandolin – George Marinelli
Harmony Vocals – Levon Helm
Lyrics By – Michael O'Keefe
Music By – Bonnie Raitt
Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa
Vocals, Acoustic Guitar – Bonnie*
3 You
Arranged By [Song], Synthesizer [Accordion And Pad] – Bob Thiele, Jr.*
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] – Arnold McCuller, Bonnie Raitt, David Lasley, Sir Harry Bowens*
Bass – James "Hutch" Hutchinson*
Electric Guitar – George Marinelli
Oud [Mutant], Electric Guitar [Surf] – Mark Goldenberg
Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa
Vocals, Acoustic Guitar – Bonnie*
Written-By – Bob Thiele, Jr.*, John Shanks, Tonio K*
4 Cool, Clear Water
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] – Arnold McCuller, David Lasley, Sir Harry Bowens*, Sweet Pea Atkinson
Bass – James "Hutch" Hutchinson*
Bass Drum [Celtic] – Debra Dobkin
Drums – Ricky Fataar
Guitar, Mandolin – George Marinelli
Harmony Vocals, Tin Whistle [Pennywhistle] – Paul Brady
Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa
Vocals, Keyboards – Bonnie*
Written-By – Bonnie Raitt
5 Circle Dance
Acoustic Bass – Don Was
Arranged By [Strings And Winds] – Bonnie Raitt, David Campbell
Cello – Daniel Smith (4), Larry Corbett, Suzie Katayama
English Horn, Bass Flute, Alto Flute – Jon Clark*
Harmony Vocals – David Crosby
Organ [Hammond C-3] – Benmont Tench
Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa
Programmed By [Keyboard Programming] – Scott Thurston
Viola – Cynthia Morrow, Scott Haupert
Vocals, Electric Piano – Bonnie*
Written-By – Bonnie Raitt
6 I Sho Do
Arranged By [Horns] – Bonnie Raitt, Marty Grebb, The Memphis Horns
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] – Arnold McCuller, Bonnie Raitt, Sir Harry Bowens*, Sweet Pea Atkinson
Baritone Saxophone – Marty Grebb
Bass – James "Hutch" Hutchinson*
Drums – Ricky Fataar
Keyboards – Scott Thurston
Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa
Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar – Randy Jacobs
Tenor Saxophone – Andrew Love
Trumpet, Trombone – Wayne Jackson
Vocals, Slide Guitar – Bonnie*
Written-By – Billy Always, Mabon L. "Teenie" Hodges*
7 Dimming Of The Day
Acoustic Bass – Buell Neidlinger
Acoustic Guitar [First] – Mark Goldenberg
Acoustic Guitar [Second] – Richard Thompson
Harmonium – Mitchell Froom
Harmony Vocals – Paul Brady
Organ [Hammond C-3] – Benmont Tench
Vocals – Bonnie*
Written-By – Richard Thompson
8 Feeling Of Falling
Bass – James "Hutch" Hutchinson*
Drums – Ricky Fataar
Electric Guitar – Stephen Bruton
Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa
Vocals, Organ – Bonnie*
Written-By – Bonnie Raitt
9 Steal Your Heart Away
Acoustic Guitar – Paul Brady
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] – Arnold McCuller, David Lasley, Sir Harry Bowens*, Sweet Pea Atkinson
Bass – James "Hutch" Hutchinson*
Drums – Ricky Fataar
Keyboards, Organ [Hammond C-3] – Benmont Tench
Lead Guitar – George Marinelli
Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa
Rhythm Guitar – Randy Jacobs
Vocals – Bonnie*
Written-By – Paul Brady
10 Storm Warning
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] – Arnold McCuller, David Lasley, Sir Harry Bowens*, Sweet Pea Atkinson
Bass – James "Hutch" Hutchinson*
Drums – Ricky Fataar
Keyboards – Benmont Tench
Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa
Vocals, Slide Guitar – Bonnie*
Written-By – Lea Maalfrid, Terry Britten
11 Hell To Pay
Bass – James "Hutch" Hutchinson*
Drums – Ricky Fataar
Electric Guitar – Randy Jacobs
Keyboards – Scott Thurston
Percussion – Debra Dobkin
Vocals, Slide Guitar – Bonnie*
Written-By – Bonnie Raitt
12 Shadow Of Doubt
Arranged By [Re-Arranged By] – Bonnie Raitt
Harmonica – Charlie Musselwhite
Vocals, Acoustic Guitar [Slide], Body Percussion [Foot] – Bonnie*
Written-By – Gary Nicholson
  carptrash | Mar 21, 2022 |
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This selection of J M Barrie's work covers three different genres and all the most telling themes found in his writing: Scotland, childhood, fantasy and sentimentality, sexual anxiety, theatrical invention, social comedy, and proto-feminism. The disturbing prose fable of The Little White Bird contains the first and most original exploration of the Peter Pan theme, properly set in the wider context of a middle-aged man's engagement with creation, fantasy, and loneliness—a theme which made Barrie world-famous and haunted him for the rest of his life. In a one-act play of scintillating satire, The Twelve-Pound Look exposes the pomposities of male pride and public success in 1910 from the point of view of an ex-wife unexpectedly returned as her (be)knighted husband's typist. Written in diary form and telling of an uncanny romance in a remote winter glen, Farewell Miss Julie Logan evokes the author's fascination with longing, death, and loss in a novella which can stand with the stories of the supernatural and which itself raises questions about the nature of romance fiction. This volume offers an exciting reassessment of one of Scotland's most unusual and misrepresented writers. Edited and introduced by Andrew Nash.

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