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Tell Me No Secrets

Tekijä: Julie Corbin

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
761352,116 (3.18)-
You can bury the past but it never dies . . . Her name was Rose and she was nine years old when she died. I'm not going to make excuses for what I did. I'm going to tell my story as it is and as it was. This isn't the beginning but it's a good place to start . . . Grace has lived in the same village on the east coast of Scotland for almost her entire life. Safe and secure, it is the perfect place for her and her husband Paul to bring up their twin girls. And so, despite having to contend with the trials and tribulations of her adolescent daughters and the increasing onset of Alzheimer's in her beloved father-in-law, Grace feels that, finally, life is good. Until, that is, a phone call from her old best friend, a woman she hasn't seen in years - and for good reason - threatens to take away everything she holds dear. Grace is about to discover that some secrets can't remain buried forever . . .… (lisätietoja)

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Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta.

Although the prose is strangely WYSIWYG, with almost no figurative language, and few signs that anything on the page was ever intended to achieve more than one thing at the same time, the plotting really kept this novel afloat. I saw on Amazon that other readers really liked the 'domestic' side of things, but to me this was a profound set back and gave the thing a mumlit feel in places.

But having said this, I read it in two sittings, and while I was reading, was eager to know what would happen. If it hadn't been for the tedium of domesticity and so many pointless descriptions of scenery and weather, I'd have happily given this a higher mark. I will definitely look for her next one, and suspect she will be a household name in years to come. ( )
  Melanielgarrett | Apr 2, 2013 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


You can bury the past but it never dies . . . Her name was Rose and she was nine years old when she died. I'm not going to make excuses for what I did. I'm going to tell my story as it is and as it was. This isn't the beginning but it's a good place to start . . . Grace has lived in the same village on the east coast of Scotland for almost her entire life. Safe and secure, it is the perfect place for her and her husband Paul to bring up their twin girls. And so, despite having to contend with the trials and tribulations of her adolescent daughters and the increasing onset of Alzheimer's in her beloved father-in-law, Grace feels that, finally, life is good. Until, that is, a phone call from her old best friend, a woman she hasn't seen in years - and for good reason - threatens to take away everything she holds dear. Grace is about to discover that some secrets can't remain buried forever . . .

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