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The Knitter's Book of Wool: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding, Using, and Loving this Most Fabulous Fiber

Tekijä: Clara Parkes

Sarjat: The Knitter's Book (2)

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383569,021 (4.51)1
Crafts. Nonfiction. HTML:

In this complete guide to wool - the most popular yarn around - passionate wool expert Clara Parkes translates the vast world of sheep and their wool into the language and context of knitting.

What is wool? Clara starts with the fundamentals: what wool is made of, how it gets off the sheep, and how it is transformed from a jumbled mass of dirty fluff into a gorgeous yarn that so tempts us at our local yarn stores.

Who makes it? Parkes conducts an inspiring tour of sheep breeds from around the world - introducing us to the animals who give us their wool - and explains how to best knit with yarns made from their fibers.

Which yarn do I use? If only there were a way to read a skein to know how it would behave and what it wanted to become. Now there is! Parkes demystifies the generic (non-breed-specific) wool yarn you'll find at your local yarn shop, showing you how to best determine what every yarn longs to be.

What do I knit? Parkes went to some of the most creative and inquisitive design minds of the kniting world to provide more than 20 patterns that highlight the qualities of specific types of wool.

The Knitter's Book of Wool teaches you everything you need to know about wool - and its journey from pasture to pullover. The next time you pick up a skein, you won't have to wonder what to create with it. You'll just know.

From the Hardcover edition.

.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
This is a great starting point for Knitters and handspinners looking to understand more about wool and how we use it. I think this is a rather general reference (specificlly in the chapters about sheep breeds); but entirely relevant. Though not the most comprehensive, I came away with so much more knowledge than I came to the table with. Ever wonder why we blend wool with silk? Read this. However- be warned. This will only whet your appetite for more info on sheep breeds and their wool. Or maybe that was just me....

Also the patterns are gorgeous, use the perfect fibers and blends, and compliment the information provided perfectly. ( )
  EliseLaForge | Nov 20, 2018 |
I checked it out a couple of times from the library and copied a number of the patterns and wanted it as a resource book on the sheep. ( )
  pnwbookgirl | Feb 7, 2016 |
A nice introduction to the wide variety of wool fibers, and how there’s more to life than wool blend or extrafine merino. I think In Sheep’s Clothing by Nola Fournier is a better guide to wool, but The Knitter’s Book of Wool is good for a non-spinner. ( )
  roseread | Feb 12, 2010 |
First half of book uses gray type, and text boxes with white type against various colors--I found difficult for old eyes ( )
  stargazy | Oct 19, 2009 |
In this complete guide to wool - the most popular yarn around - passionate wool expert Clara Parkes translates the vast world of sheep and their wool into the language and context of knitting.

What is wool? Clara starts with the fundamentals: what wool is made of, how it gets off the sheep, and how it is transformed from a jumbled mass of dirty fluff into a gorgeous yarn that so tempts us at our local yarn stores.

Who makes it? Parkes conducts an inspiring tour of sheep breeds from around the world - introducing us to the animals who give us their wool - and explains how to best knit with yarns made from their fibers.

Which yarn do I use? If only there were a way to read a skein to know how it would behave and what it wanted to become. Now there is! Parkes demystifies the generic (non-breed-specific) wool yarn you'll find at your local yarn shop, showing you how to best determine what every yarn longs to be.

What do I knit? Parkes went to some of the most creative and inquisitive design minds of the kniting world to provide more than 20 patterns that highlight the qualities of specific types of wool.

The Knitter's Book of Wool teaches you everything you need to know about wool - and its journey from pasture to pullover. The next time you pick up a skein, you won't have to wonder what to create with it. You'll just know. ( )
  RochesterKnittingGui | Apr 22, 2016 |
näyttää 5/5
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Crafts. Nonfiction. HTML:

In this complete guide to wool - the most popular yarn around - passionate wool expert Clara Parkes translates the vast world of sheep and their wool into the language and context of knitting.

What is wool? Clara starts with the fundamentals: what wool is made of, how it gets off the sheep, and how it is transformed from a jumbled mass of dirty fluff into a gorgeous yarn that so tempts us at our local yarn stores.

Who makes it? Parkes conducts an inspiring tour of sheep breeds from around the world - introducing us to the animals who give us their wool - and explains how to best knit with yarns made from their fibers.

Which yarn do I use? If only there were a way to read a skein to know how it would behave and what it wanted to become. Now there is! Parkes demystifies the generic (non-breed-specific) wool yarn you'll find at your local yarn shop, showing you how to best determine what every yarn longs to be.

What do I knit? Parkes went to some of the most creative and inquisitive design minds of the kniting world to provide more than 20 patterns that highlight the qualities of specific types of wool.

The Knitter's Book of Wool teaches you everything you need to know about wool - and its journey from pasture to pullover. The next time you pick up a skein, you won't have to wonder what to create with it. You'll just know.

From the Hardcover edition.


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