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Atomic America: How a Deadly Explosion and a Feared Admiral Changed the Course of Nuclear History

Tekijä: Todd Tucker

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512509,284 (3.79)-
On January 3, 1961, nuclear reactor SL-1 exploded in rural Idaho, spreading radioactive contamination over thousands of acres and killing three men: John Byrnes, Richard McKinley, and Richard Legg. The Army blamed "human error" and a sordid love triangle. Though it has been overshadowed by the accident at Three Mile Island, SL-1 is the only fatal nuclear reactor incident in American history, and it holds serious lessons for a nation poised to embrace nuclear energy once again. Historian Todd Tucker, who first heard the rumors about the Idaho Falls explosion as a trainee in the Navy's nuclear program, suspected there was more to the accident than the rumors suggested. Poring over hundreds of pages of primary sources and interviewing the surviving players led him to a tale of shocking negligence and subterfuge. The Army and its contractors had deliberately obscured the true causes of this terrible accident, the result of poor engineering as much as uncontrolled passions. A bigger story opened up before him about the frantic race for nuclear power among the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force -- a race that started almost the moment the nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The National Reactor Testing Station (NRTS), where the meltdown occurred, had been a proving ground where engineers, generals, and admirals attempted to make real the Atomic Age dream of unlimited power. Some of their most ambitious plans bore fruit -- like that of the nation's unofficial nuclear patriarch, Admiral Rickover, whose "true submarine," the USS Nautilus, would forever change naval warfare. Others, like the Air Force's billion dollar quest for a nuclear-powered airplane, never came close. The Army's ultimate goal was to construct small, portable reactors to power the Arctic bases that functioned as sentinels against a Soviet sneak attack. At the height of its program, the Army actually constructed a nuclear powered city inside a glacier in Greenland. But with the meltdown in Idaho came the end of the Army's program and the beginning of the Navy's longstanding monopoly on military nuclear power. The dream of miniaturized, portable nuclear plants died with McKinley, Legg, and Byrnes. The demand for clean energy has revived the American nuclear power industry. Chronic instability in the Middle East and fears of global warming have united an unlikely coalition of conservative isolationists and fretful environmentalists, all of whom are fighting for a buildup of the emission-free power source that is already quietly responsible for nearly 20 percent of the American energy supply. More than a hundred nuclear plants generate electricity in the United States today. Thirty-two new reactors are planned. All are descendants of SL-1. With so many plants in operation, and so many more on the way, it is vitally important to examine the dangers of poor design, poor management, and the idea that a nuclear power plant can be inherently safe. Tucker sets the record straight in this fast-paced narrative history, advocating caution and accountability in harnessing this feared power source.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
A history of the advance of nuclear power, the peacetime alternative to the atomic bomb. The story centers around Hyman G. Rickover, who almost singlehandedlly drove the Navy into a direction of nuclear powered ships as the Air Force and Army flailed around trying to get nuclear power going in their own fields. Tying the story together is the interwoven story of the only fatal nuclear accident to happen in the US, the explosion of the SL-1 in Idaho in 1961. The investigation of the event wraps up the books history. The main weakness of the book is in the epilogue, and some of those weaknesses are simply the result of time, as changes occur that were not able to be addressed in this book before they happened. The author paints a rather optimistic picture in the epilogue, in contrast to the historical picture he has just drawn out. One of the stand out things in this book is the realization from the closely documented history that the idea we never intended nuclear weaponry for routine wartime use is simply wrong. It becomes frighteningly clear that early on, we believed we could shoot nuclear bullets at the enemy, and that warfare would be forever nuclear. The concept of mutually assured destruction was not the original idea. The original idea was to use the bomb, and use it indiscriminately. Well written and engaging. ( )
  Devil_llama | Aug 25, 2015 |
This book tells the story of the SL-1 accident with that of famed Navy Admiral Hyman Rickover. Based on the book summary, you would think the main focus of the book would be SL-1, but a good deal of the book was spent discussing Rickover. I didn’t know much about him before reading this book, except for his moniker as the “Father of the Nuclear Navy.” This book did a great job of showing just how complex a character he really was. But I really read the book to find out how the SL-1 accident is treated.
This book was published after Idaho Falls, but it has a much more authoritative voice. This book tries to deal with the facts of the accident, instead of the personal opinions and gossip found in Idaho Falls. The author does a great job of dismissing the murder/suicide/love triangle rumors and really shows that the accident was simply the result of a poorly designed and badly maintained nuclear reactor.
This was an enjoyable read that covers most of the same information found in Idaho Falls. If I had to recommend one book to read on the subject, I would recommend this one, simply because it focuses more on fact, not rumors and gossip. ( )
  LISandKL | Feb 26, 2015 |
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On January 3, 1961, nuclear reactor SL-1 exploded in rural Idaho, spreading radioactive contamination over thousands of acres and killing three men: John Byrnes, Richard McKinley, and Richard Legg. The Army blamed "human error" and a sordid love triangle. Though it has been overshadowed by the accident at Three Mile Island, SL-1 is the only fatal nuclear reactor incident in American history, and it holds serious lessons for a nation poised to embrace nuclear energy once again. Historian Todd Tucker, who first heard the rumors about the Idaho Falls explosion as a trainee in the Navy's nuclear program, suspected there was more to the accident than the rumors suggested. Poring over hundreds of pages of primary sources and interviewing the surviving players led him to a tale of shocking negligence and subterfuge. The Army and its contractors had deliberately obscured the true causes of this terrible accident, the result of poor engineering as much as uncontrolled passions. A bigger story opened up before him about the frantic race for nuclear power among the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force -- a race that started almost the moment the nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The National Reactor Testing Station (NRTS), where the meltdown occurred, had been a proving ground where engineers, generals, and admirals attempted to make real the Atomic Age dream of unlimited power. Some of their most ambitious plans bore fruit -- like that of the nation's unofficial nuclear patriarch, Admiral Rickover, whose "true submarine," the USS Nautilus, would forever change naval warfare. Others, like the Air Force's billion dollar quest for a nuclear-powered airplane, never came close. The Army's ultimate goal was to construct small, portable reactors to power the Arctic bases that functioned as sentinels against a Soviet sneak attack. At the height of its program, the Army actually constructed a nuclear powered city inside a glacier in Greenland. But with the meltdown in Idaho came the end of the Army's program and the beginning of the Navy's longstanding monopoly on military nuclear power. The dream of miniaturized, portable nuclear plants died with McKinley, Legg, and Byrnes. The demand for clean energy has revived the American nuclear power industry. Chronic instability in the Middle East and fears of global warming have united an unlikely coalition of conservative isolationists and fretful environmentalists, all of whom are fighting for a buildup of the emission-free power source that is already quietly responsible for nearly 20 percent of the American energy supply. More than a hundred nuclear plants generate electricity in the United States today. Thirty-two new reactors are planned. All are descendants of SL-1. With so many plants in operation, and so many more on the way, it is vitally important to examine the dangers of poor design, poor management, and the idea that a nuclear power plant can be inherently safe. Tucker sets the record straight in this fast-paced narrative history, advocating caution and accountability in harnessing this feared power source.

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