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ZigZag: Your Skin Holds You In: A Book About Your Skin

Tekijä: Becky Baines

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
562467,854 (4.33)-
Did you know that Your Skin Holds You In? This intriguing title brings kids all the most interesting, thought-provoking aspects of the skin we're in. how many holes are in it? How does it stretch and shrink and when? What are all the amazing and beautiful colours it comes in? Then, once curiosity is under your skin, Zigzag a little deeper: discover that a polar bear's skin is actually black! Do your own skin-pinch experiment--ouch!!… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
This was such an engaging and fun book to read, and I learned a lot of new facts about skin. One reason I liked this book is due to the fun layout of the book and appealing illustrations. Each page had a different colorful background to make the text pop out. In addition, the illustrations featured pictures of children in white outlines, speech bubbles, and arrows, which draw the reader in to each page and make them want to read the text. The cover itself is engaging, with bright colors, arrows and a relatable picture of a child. Another reason I enjoyed reading this book is because of the appropriate yet informative and fun language used throughout the book. It presents the information to readers in a way that they can easily comprehend. For example, the author writes, “Your skin is like a suit or armor.” In addition, another page reads, “You are leaving fingerprints on the book right now!” which actively engages the reader and makes them think. The main idea of this book was to present the reader with information about skin, its functions, and how it helps your body. ( )
  apetru5 | Apr 23, 2014 |
This is an excellent example of an INFORMATIONAL book because it is accurate and kid-friendly. It uses vibrant colors and photographs to relay information about skin and how it helps your body.

Age Appropriateness: primary
Media: mixed (mainly photographs)
  SarahWilmot | Apr 2, 2010 |
näyttää 2/2
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Did you know that Your Skin Holds You In? This intriguing title brings kids all the most interesting, thought-provoking aspects of the skin we're in. how many holes are in it? How does it stretch and shrink and when? What are all the amazing and beautiful colours it comes in? Then, once curiosity is under your skin, Zigzag a little deeper: discover that a polar bear's skin is actually black! Do your own skin-pinch experiment--ouch!!

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5 1

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