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Teaching with Classroom Response Systems: Creating Active Learning Environments

Tekijä: Derek Bruff

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761362,064 (4)-
There is a need in the higher education arena for a book that responds to the need for using technology in a classroom of tech-savvy students. This book is filled with illustrative examples of questions and teaching activities that use classroom response systems from a variety of disciplines (with a discipline index). The book also incorporates results from research on the effectiveness of the technology for teaching. Written for instructional designers and re-designers as well as faculty across disciplines. A must-read for anyone interested in interactive teaching and the use of clickers. This book draws on the experiences of countless instructors across a wide range of disciplines to provide both novice and experienced teachers with practical advice on how to make classes more fun and more effective."--Eric Mazur, Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, Harvard University, and author, Peer Instruction: A User's Manual "Those who come to this book needing practical advice on using 'clickers' in the classroom will be richly rewarded: with case studies, a refreshing historical perspective, and much pedagogical ingenuity. Those who seek a deep, thoughtful examination of strategies for active learning will find that here as well--in abundance. Dr. Bruff achieves a marvelous synthesis of the pragmatic and the philosophical that will be useful far beyond the life span of any single technology." --Gardner Campbell, Director, Academy for Teaching and Learning, and Associate Professor of Literature, Media, and Learning, Honors College, Baylor University… (lisätietoja)

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It's really hard to give books about teaching, pedagogy, and technology five starts because they're usually drier than an old door nail. This one isn't. Bruff focuses on the use of Classroom Response Systems (commonly called clickers) in this volume. The book is organized well, allowing for a read-through from cover to cover or a perusal of the chapters a reader finds interesting. Plenty of examples are given, both of actual clicker questions and of the different ways professors have structurally integrated them into their classrooms, and the examples cross a variety of different disciplines (which is often one of the major shortcomings of books like this). Their are also chapters on how to choose a clicker system (e.g. determining what features are available vs. needed) and on how to get students to engage with material. Highly recommended for anyone interested in using clickers in college/university teaching, and should be in every college library and/or instructional center. ( )
  lucy3107 | Sep 23, 2013 |
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There is a need in the higher education arena for a book that responds to the need for using technology in a classroom of tech-savvy students. This book is filled with illustrative examples of questions and teaching activities that use classroom response systems from a variety of disciplines (with a discipline index). The book also incorporates results from research on the effectiveness of the technology for teaching. Written for instructional designers and re-designers as well as faculty across disciplines. A must-read for anyone interested in interactive teaching and the use of clickers. This book draws on the experiences of countless instructors across a wide range of disciplines to provide both novice and experienced teachers with practical advice on how to make classes more fun and more effective."--Eric Mazur, Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, Harvard University, and author, Peer Instruction: A User's Manual "Those who come to this book needing practical advice on using 'clickers' in the classroom will be richly rewarded: with case studies, a refreshing historical perspective, and much pedagogical ingenuity. Those who seek a deep, thoughtful examination of strategies for active learning will find that here as well--in abundance. Dr. Bruff achieves a marvelous synthesis of the pragmatic and the philosophical that will be useful far beyond the life span of any single technology." --Gardner Campbell, Director, Academy for Teaching and Learning, and Associate Professor of Literature, Media, and Learning, Honors College, Baylor University

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