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Kigalin kakkukauppa (2009)

Tekijä: Gaile Parkin

Sarjat: Tungaraza Family (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
7808029,691 (3.86)119
"All the sun and magic of Africa are baked into Gaile Parkin's debut novel. . . . We peek into a warm and practical community as colorful as [the heroine's] dazzling confections."--The Christian Science Monitor This soaring novel introduces us to Angel Tungaraza: mother, cake baker, pillar of her community, keeper of secrets big and small. Angel's kitchen is an oasis in the heart of Rwanda, where visitors stop to order cakes but end up sharing their stories, transforming their lives, leaving with new hope. In this vibrant, powerful setting, unexpected things are beginning to happen: A most unusual wedding is planned, a heartbreaking mystery involving Angel's own family unravels, and extraordinary connections are made--as a chain of events unfolds that will change Angel's life and the lives of those around her in the most astonishing ways. BONUS: This edition contains a Baking Cakes in Kigali discussion guide. Praise for Baking Cakes in Kigali "Everyone needs a neighbor like Angel Tungaraza . . . whose warmth and coolheaded cleverness might remind some readers of Precious Ramotswe from the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series."--Entertainment Weekly "Remarkable . . . a powerful, thought-provoking work . . . filled with heartbreak but also with hope."--Fort Worth Star-Telegram "Sweet and satisfying . . . gently draws readers into the daily rhythms of African life . . . Compassion and wisdom light up each page."--Ventura County Star "Will leave you feeling well satisfied."--O: The Oprah Magazine (South Africa)… (lisätietoja)
  1. 30
    Naisten etsivätoimisto nro 1 (tekijä: Alexander McCall Smith) (elbakerone)
    elbakerone: Although they take place in different African countries (Smith's Botswana and Parkin's Rwanda), both books have a similar flavor with the leading ladies helping out their neighbors. Throughout their respective stories, each book reveals a bit about the culture and daily life of the country where it takes place.… (lisätietoja)
  2. 10
    The Marriage Bureau for Rich People (tekijä: Farahad Zama) (infiniteletters)
  3. 00
    The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul (tekijä: Deborah Rodriguez) (infiniteletters)
  4. 00
    Muisto rakkaudesta (tekijä: Aminatta Forna) (krazy4katz)
    krazy4katz: The lives of 3 people in Sierra Leone intersect after the end of the civil war. The traumas of war, its effect on love, compassion and one's ability to heal oneself are beautifully described.

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» Katso myös 119 mainintaa

englanti (75)  saksa (3)  suomi (1)  hollanti (1)  Kaikki kielet (80)
Hyväntuulista Afrikka-kuvausta. ( )
  virpiloi | Apr 2, 2011 |
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Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
In the same way that a bucket of water reduces a cooking fire to ashes-a few splutters of shocked disbelief, a hiss of anger, and then a chill all the more penetrating for having so abruptly supplanted intense heat-in just that way, the photograph that she now surveyed extinguished all her excitement.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
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Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"All the sun and magic of Africa are baked into Gaile Parkin's debut novel. . . . We peek into a warm and practical community as colorful as [the heroine's] dazzling confections."--The Christian Science Monitor This soaring novel introduces us to Angel Tungaraza: mother, cake baker, pillar of her community, keeper of secrets big and small. Angel's kitchen is an oasis in the heart of Rwanda, where visitors stop to order cakes but end up sharing their stories, transforming their lives, leaving with new hope. In this vibrant, powerful setting, unexpected things are beginning to happen: A most unusual wedding is planned, a heartbreaking mystery involving Angel's own family unravels, and extraordinary connections are made--as a chain of events unfolds that will change Angel's life and the lives of those around her in the most astonishing ways. BONUS: This edition contains a Baking Cakes in Kigali discussion guide. Praise for Baking Cakes in Kigali "Everyone needs a neighbor like Angel Tungaraza . . . whose warmth and coolheaded cleverness might remind some readers of Precious Ramotswe from the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series."--Entertainment Weekly "Remarkable . . . a powerful, thought-provoking work . . . filled with heartbreak but also with hope."--Fort Worth Star-Telegram "Sweet and satisfying . . . gently draws readers into the daily rhythms of African life . . . Compassion and wisdom light up each page."--Ventura County Star "Will leave you feeling well satisfied."--O: The Oprah Magazine (South Africa)

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Arvio (tähdet)

Keskiarvo: (3.86)
1 1
1.5 1
2 7
2.5 3
3 42
3.5 22
4 104
4.5 17
5 35

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