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My Soul to Keep

Tekijä: Tananarive Due

Sarjat: African Immortals (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
7102732,643 (3.77)38
When Jessica marries David, he is everything she wants in a family man: brilliant, attentive, ever youthful. Yet she still feels something about him is just out of reach. Soon, as people close to Jessica begin to meet violent, mysterious deaths, David makes an unimaginable confession: More than 400 years ago, he and other members of an Ethiopian sect traded their humanity so they would never die, a secret he must protect at any cost. Now, his immortal brethren have decided David must return and leave his family in Miami. Instead, David vows to invoke a forbidden ritual to keep Jessica and his daughter with him forever. Harrowing, engrossing and skillfully rendered, My Soul to Keep traps Jessica between the desperation of immortals who want to rob her of her life and a husband who wants to rob her of her soul. With deft plotting and an unforgettable climax, this tour de force reminiscent of early Anne Rice will win Due a new legion of fans.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 38 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 27) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
That was the most intense and exciting horror I’ve read in a long time. This is what other “vampire” stories try to do, but fail. The idea of immortality, and what happens to the human psyche because of it. There is so much grief in here, and this book explores all the themes and avenues of death.

The characters feel so human, and they feel so real. It’s amazing how much you fall in love with them, even the villains. ( )
  CasualShino | Jun 2, 2023 |
My Soul to Keep is an examination of the consequences of immortality on an individual's psyche wrapped up in a paranormal thriller story. I really enjoyed both sides to this story. David was a complicated hero/villain and Jessica is a strong female character. It gave me a lot to think about in terms of what it would mean to live forever and what that would do to a person and how that drove the actions of David, our protagonist. It also was a a suspenseful thriller as Jessica, David's wife, comes to the realization that she does not truly know her husband and the danger he and her daughter are in because of him. Overall I a glad I finally read this book and I am looking forward to reading more of the African Immortal series and other books by Due. ( )
  Cora-R | May 12, 2023 |
Absolutely loved this book. I read it along with the audiobook and it was just *chef's kiss* such a good time. I will be adding this to my re-read list. Perfect for the spooky season. Get into it. ( )
  Jaleesa_RBTBC | Dec 2, 2022 |
I like how Due takes what's essentially a variation on a vampire story and imbues it with emotional depth and meaning, and gives me chills along the way. At its base is the question, what is the purpose of the gift of life, mortal or otherwise? The immortals in this novel have rules and a culture and a code that feel--- much like human culture in general---arbitrary and made up. I think I'd like to read the sequel now, too. ( )
  ImperfectCJ | Mar 12, 2022 |
How to live like an immortal

Jessica married David before she knew. It took some trials, death, mayhem and murder for her to understand. Then to understand only partially. ( )
  Saraishelafs | Nov 4, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 27) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Death will come to him
From every quarter, yet
Will he not die; and
In front of him will be
A chastisement unrelenting.
-The Holy Qur'an 14:17

I'm your Forever Man,
You drive me crazy;
Your Forever Man,
I don't mean maybe.
Those others who hold you
Head straight for the door,
But I'm your Forever Man.
-The Jazz Brigade
Words and Music by Seth "Spider" Tillis Chicago (1926)
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For my father, John Dorsey Due Jr. I love you
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Though his steps are not silent, no one hears the man walking down the darkened wing of Windsong Nursing Home in Chicago, his heavy soles echoing across the polished vinyl.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

When Jessica marries David, he is everything she wants in a family man: brilliant, attentive, ever youthful. Yet she still feels something about him is just out of reach. Soon, as people close to Jessica begin to meet violent, mysterious deaths, David makes an unimaginable confession: More than 400 years ago, he and other members of an Ethiopian sect traded their humanity so they would never die, a secret he must protect at any cost. Now, his immortal brethren have decided David must return and leave his family in Miami. Instead, David vows to invoke a forbidden ritual to keep Jessica and his daughter with him forever. Harrowing, engrossing and skillfully rendered, My Soul to Keep traps Jessica between the desperation of immortals who want to rob her of her life and a husband who wants to rob her of her soul. With deft plotting and an unforgettable climax, this tour de force reminiscent of early Anne Rice will win Due a new legion of fans.

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Arvio (tähdet)

Keskiarvo: (3.77)
1 5
2 8
2.5 3
3 31
3.5 7
4 63
4.5 6
5 32

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