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Xenophobe's Guide to the Italians

Tekijä: Martin Solly

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
641414,911 (3.75)6
La Dolce Vita The Italians live life to the fullest, and do not feel in the least bit guilty leading a life of leisure and pleasure 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. This is what life is all about: Italians do not live to work, they work to live.   Achoo Brute? The most common Italian illness is hypochondria. Italians are in general extremely healthy people who spend a great deal of their time thinking that they should feel healthier than they do.   A little truth goes a long way Italians grow up knowing that they have to be economical with the truth. All other Italians are, so if they didn't play the game they would be at a serious disadvantage. They have to fabricate to keep one step ahead.   Always look on the bright side of life Generally speaking, the Italians tend to look on the bright side of life--a positive outlook aptly illustrated by their touching salutation: "May the saddest days of your future be the happiest days of your past."… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 6 mainintaa

An instant cure for political correctness.
Found it in my partner's house when the whole bunch of housemates got evicted. I will never part with it!
It's currently in my living room, being shown to all my acquaintances as a quick guide for handling us Italian expats. Hilarious. Also, sad but mostly true.
( )
  Elanna76 | May 2, 2024 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

La Dolce Vita The Italians live life to the fullest, and do not feel in the least bit guilty leading a life of leisure and pleasure 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. This is what life is all about: Italians do not live to work, they work to live.   Achoo Brute? The most common Italian illness is hypochondria. Italians are in general extremely healthy people who spend a great deal of their time thinking that they should feel healthier than they do.   A little truth goes a long way Italians grow up knowing that they have to be economical with the truth. All other Italians are, so if they didn't play the game they would be at a serious disadvantage. They have to fabricate to keep one step ahead.   Always look on the bright side of life Generally speaking, the Italians tend to look on the bright side of life--a positive outlook aptly illustrated by their touching salutation: "May the saddest days of your future be the happiest days of your past."

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