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99 Coffins: A Historical Vampire Tale…

99 Coffins: A Historical Vampire Tale (vuoden 2007 painos)

Tekijä: David Wellington

Sarjat: Laura Caxton (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
3472075,643 (3.65)8
Fiction. Horror. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:Laura Caxton vowed never to face them again. The horror of what the vampires did is too close, the wounds too fresh. But when Jameson Arkeley, broken and barely recognizable, comes to her with an unfathomable, unholy discovery, her resolve crumbles.

Arkeley leads Caxton to a tomb in Gettysburg recently excavated by a local archaeology professor. While the town, with its legendary role in the Civil Warâ??s worst battle, is no stranger to cemeteries, this one is remarkably, eerily different. In it lie 100 coffinsâ??99 of them occupied by vampires, who, luckily, are missing their hearts. But one of the coffins is empty and smashed to pieces.

Who is the missing vampire? Does he have access to the 99 hearts that, if placed back in the bodies of their owners, could reanimate an entire bloodthirsty army? How did the vampires end up there, undisturbed and undiscovered for 150 years? The answer lies in Civil War documents that contain sinister secrets about the ne
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:99 Coffins: A Historical Vampire Tale
Kirjailijat:David Wellington
Info:Broadway (2007), Paperback, 304 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


99 Coffins (tekijä: David Wellington)

  1. 10
    Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (tekijä: Seth Grahame-Smith) (VictoriaPL)
    VictoriaPL: Another vampire tale of the civil war era.

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» Katso myös 8 mainintaa

englanti (19)  espanja (1)  Kaikki kielet (20)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 20) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Laura Caxton había jurado no volver a enfrentarse a ellos. Pero cuando Jameson Arkeley, destrozado y apenas reconocible, acude a ella con un inquietante descubrimiento, su determinación se desmorona. Un arqueólogo de la zona acaba de descubrir un cementerio en Gettysburg. Aunque la ciudad, que fue escenario de la peor batalla de la guerra civil, no es extraña a estos hallazgos, éste es diferente. En él permanecen 100 ataúdes, 99 de los cuales están ocupados por vampiros que, afortunadamente, han perdido sus corazones. Pero uno de los ataúdes está roto y vacío... Ciertos documentos de la guerra civil parecen contener siniestros secretos acerca de lo que está enterrado en Gettysburg, secretos que Laura Caxton está a punto de descubrir. ¿Podrá salvar a una ciudad entera de la invasión de un ejército sediento de sangre?
  Natt90 | Dec 8, 2022 |
David Wellington just keeps on delivering in the next book in his contemporary take on vampires series. This time, there is a tie to America's Civil War, when 99 coffins are found from this era. Each contains a vampire without it's heart, but where are the hearts? Fans of "Twilight" should avoid this series; it is only for those who enjoy realistic vampires. ( )
  ThothJ | Dec 4, 2015 |
David Wellington just keeps on delivering in the next book in his contemporary take on vampires series. This time, there is a tie to America's Civil War, when 99 coffins are found from this era. Each contains a vampire without it's heart, but where are the hearts? Fans of "Twilight" should avoid this series; it is only for those who enjoy realistic vampires. ( )
  ThothJ | Dec 3, 2015 |
Stupid story with very one dimensional characters, not worth reading.
Vampires are from the civil war and are buried at Gettysburg. ( )
  MaggieFlo | Mar 3, 2015 |
I wish there had been more history.and yes I will read that 3rd book. I need the story to be resolved. We aren't there yet.
  jaddington | Feb 16, 2015 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 20) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Fiction. Horror. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:Laura Caxton vowed never to face them again. The horror of what the vampires did is too close, the wounds too fresh. But when Jameson Arkeley, broken and barely recognizable, comes to her with an unfathomable, unholy discovery, her resolve crumbles.

Arkeley leads Caxton to a tomb in Gettysburg recently excavated by a local archaeology professor. While the town, with its legendary role in the Civil Warâ??s worst battle, is no stranger to cemeteries, this one is remarkably, eerily different. In it lie 100 coffinsâ??99 of them occupied by vampires, who, luckily, are missing their hearts. But one of the coffins is empty and smashed to pieces.

Who is the missing vampire? Does he have access to the 99 hearts that, if placed back in the bodies of their owners, could reanimate an entire bloodthirsty army? How did the vampires end up there, undisturbed and undiscovered for 150 years? The answer lies in Civil War documents that contain sinister secrets about the ne

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2 6
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3 19
3.5 9
4 31
4.5 4
5 18

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