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The Mists of Avalon, Book 3: The King Stag (1982)

Tekijä: Marion Zimmer Bradley

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2122129,882 (4.17)2
This imaginative retelling of the Arthurian legend centers around the pagan priestesses of Avalon, who compete for the soul of Great Britain against the rising tide of Christianity. Book Three takes the listener deeper into the political/religious rivalry in the years following Arthur's coronation. Gwenhwyfar, in possession of a terrible secret, manipulates her husband to secure his loyalty to the Christian church, while Vivian's decision to confront Arthur over his betrayal of Avalon results in tragedy. Behind the scenes, Morgaine arranges the marriage of Lancelet, who has become desperate over the hopeless triangle at Camelot. When Gwenhwyfar hears of his marriage, she vows revenge. Through her own marriage to Uriens of North Wales, Morgaine works to strengthen the cause of Avalon. She returns briefly to the Isle of Mists, only to discover that the time is not yet ripe for her to reign. Book Three concludes with the arrival of young Gwydion (Mordred) on the scene.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

Neste romance, a lenda do rei Artur é contada pela primeira vez através das vidas, das visões e da percepção das mulheres que nela tiveram um papel central. Pela primeira vez, o mundo arturiano de Avalon e Camelot, com todas as suas paixões e aventuras - o mundo que, através dos séculos, cada geração recriou em incontáveis obras de ficção, poesia, drama - é revelado, como se poderia esperas, pelas suas heroínas - pela rainha Guinevere, mulher de Artur; por Igraine, mãe de Artur; por Viviane, a impressionante Senhora do Lago, Grande Sacerdotisa de Avalon; e principalmente pela irmã de Artur, Morgana, também conhecida como Morgana das Fadas, como a Fada Morgana - como feiticeira, como bruxa - e que nesta épica versão da lenda desempenha um papel crucial, tanto na coroação como na destruição de Artur. Trata-se, acima de tudo, da história de um profundo conflito entre o cristianismo e a velha religião de Avalon. ( )
  Helo_Miranda | Oct 26, 2011 |
È um dos melhores livros que já li, e li os todos as 11 anos de idade, e a história é tão intesa que ainda me lembro da accção e das personagens e tenho 20 anos. ( )
  marta16 | Jan 24, 2008 |
näyttää 2/2
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This version of "The Mists of Avalon" was split in 4, this is 3/4, only combine with similarly split versions.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


This imaginative retelling of the Arthurian legend centers around the pagan priestesses of Avalon, who compete for the soul of Great Britain against the rising tide of Christianity. Book Three takes the listener deeper into the political/religious rivalry in the years following Arthur's coronation. Gwenhwyfar, in possession of a terrible secret, manipulates her husband to secure his loyalty to the Christian church, while Vivian's decision to confront Arthur over his betrayal of Avalon results in tragedy. Behind the scenes, Morgaine arranges the marriage of Lancelet, who has become desperate over the hopeless triangle at Camelot. When Gwenhwyfar hears of his marriage, she vows revenge. Through her own marriage to Uriens of North Wales, Morgaine works to strengthen the cause of Avalon. She returns briefly to the Isle of Mists, only to discover that the time is not yet ripe for her to reign. Book Three concludes with the arrival of young Gwydion (Mordred) on the scene.

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Keskiarvo: (4.17)
2 1
3 9
4 14
5 18

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