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The Sopping Thursday (1970)

Tekijä: Edward Gorey

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1475188,483 (4.3)3
An umbrella is missing. A man is distressed. A thief scampers over rooftops. A child is in danger. A Harangued salesclerk weeks. A dog saves the day. The intriguing story of The Sopping Thursday is unlike any other Edward Gorey book, both because of its unique gray-and black illustrations and because it has a happy ending (if one is to dismiss any worry about the child featured inthe last frame). In just thirty imags and thirty short lines of text, Gorey manages to create a complex tableau of characters and a plot worthy of film noir. Long out of print, this new edition is faithful to the size of Gorey's original drawings and wisely refrains from offering any editorial commentary...except to say this Gorey jewel is--to quote the eminent literary critic Edmund Wilson---A brilliant discovery.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
Follows a typical course for an Edward Gorey story, the heroine of an inconsequential matter is not a human. In fact, often the animals, monsters and fictional creatures act better and with more sense than the humans do. ( )
  ThothJ | Dec 4, 2015 |
Follows a typical course for an Edward Gorey story, the heroine of an inconsequential matter is not a human. In fact, often the animals, monsters and fictional creatures act better and with more sense than the humans do. ( )
  ThothJ | Dec 4, 2015 |
Follows a typical course for an Edward Gorey story, the heroine of an inconsequential matter is not a human. In fact, often the animals, monsters and fictional creatures act better and with more sense than the humans do. ( )
  ThothJ | Dec 3, 2015 |
Follows a typical course for an Edward Gorey story, the heroine of an inconsequential matter is not a human. In fact, often the animals, monsters and fictional creatures act better and with more sense than the humans do. ( )
  ThothJ | Dec 3, 2015 |
This is, by Gorey standards, the gentle tale of a wet Thursday and a lost umbrella. The illustrations are superb. ( )
  riverwillow | Mar 4, 2012 |
näyttää 5/5
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An umbrella is missing. A man is distressed. A thief scampers over rooftops. A child is in danger. A Harangued salesclerk weeks. A dog saves the day. The intriguing story of The Sopping Thursday is unlike any other Edward Gorey book, both because of its unique gray-and black illustrations and because it has a happy ending (if one is to dismiss any worry about the child featured inthe last frame). In just thirty imags and thirty short lines of text, Gorey manages to create a complex tableau of characters and a plot worthy of film noir. Long out of print, this new edition is faithful to the size of Gorey's original drawings and wisely refrains from offering any editorial commentary...except to say this Gorey jewel is--to quote the eminent literary critic Edmund Wilson---A brilliant discovery.

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Keskiarvo: (4.3)
3 3
3.5 1
4 6
4.5 1
5 9


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