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Laws And Explanation In The Social Sciences: Defending A Science Of Human Behavior

Tekijä: Lee C. McIntyre

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
The first full-length defense of social scientific laws to appear in the last twenty years, this book upholds the prospect of the nomological explanation of human behavior against those who maintain that this approach is impossible, impractical, or irrelevant. By pursuing an analogy with the natural sciences, Mclntyre shows that the barriers to nomological inquiry within the social sciences are not generated by factors unique to social inquiry, but arise from a largely common set of problems that face any scientific endeavor. All of the most widely supported arguments against social scientific laws have failed largely due to adherence to a highly idealized conception of nomologicality (allegedly drawn from the natural sciences themselves) and the limited doctrine of "descriptivism." Basing his arguments upon a more realistic view of scientific theorizing that emphasizes the pivotal role of "redescription" in aiding the search for scientific laws, Mclntyre is optimistic about attaining useful law-like explanations of human behavior.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatjodi, michael.lissack, thcson

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The author argues for the possibility of laws in social science, even though none have been discovered yet. He maintains that it is not an a priori question whether social laws are possible or not, so general arguments about complexity or openness are not sufficient to prove that social laws don't exist. Unfortunately the second part of the book where he discusses social scientific practice is a lot weaker and gives no indication of what a social law might actually look like (Bunge's Sociology-Philosophy Connection is much better in this respect, as he gives lots of examples). In general it seemed to me that the author didn't have quite sufficient familiarity with the different branches of social science. Like so many philosophers, he prefers to discuss abstract "isms" which don't relate directly to social scientific practice.
  thcson | Dec 27, 2011 |
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The first full-length defense of social scientific laws to appear in the last twenty years, this book upholds the prospect of the nomological explanation of human behavior against those who maintain that this approach is impossible, impractical, or irrelevant. By pursuing an analogy with the natural sciences, Mclntyre shows that the barriers to nomological inquiry within the social sciences are not generated by factors unique to social inquiry, but arise from a largely common set of problems that face any scientific endeavor. All of the most widely supported arguments against social scientific laws have failed largely due to adherence to a highly idealized conception of nomologicality (allegedly drawn from the natural sciences themselves) and the limited doctrine of "descriptivism." Basing his arguments upon a more realistic view of scientific theorizing that emphasizes the pivotal role of "redescription" in aiding the search for scientific laws, Mclntyre is optimistic about attaining useful law-like explanations of human behavior.

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