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Tropical Storm

Tekijä: Melissa Good

Sarjat: Dar and Kerry (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1424198,646 (4.44)2
From bestselling author Melissa Good comes a tale of heartache, longing, family strife, lust for love, and redemption. Tropical Storm took the lesbian reading world by storm when it was first written . . . Don't miss this exciting revised "author's cut" edition.Dar Roberts, corporate raider for a multi-national tech company, is cold, practical, and merciless. She does her job with razor-sharp accuracy. Friends are a luxury she cannot allow herself, and love is something she knows she'll never attain.Kerry Stuart left Michigan for Florida in an attempt to get away from her domineering politician father and the constraints of the overly conservative life her family forced upon her. After college she worked her way into supervision at a small tech company, only to have it taken over by Dar Roberts? organization. Her association with Dar begins in disbelief, hatred, and disappointment, but when Dar unexpectedly hires Kerry as her work assistant, the dynamics of their relationship change. Over time, a bond begins to form. But can Dar overcome years of habit and conditioning to open herself up to the uncertainty of love? And will Kerry escape from the clutches of her powerful father in order to live a better life? The answer to both questions is no ? unless these two women can strengthen and cement the tenuous bond that forms between them. First they must face storms that neither expects . . . and live to tell the tale.… (lisätietoja)
  1. 00
    Glass Houses (tekijä: Ciaran Llachlan Leavitt) (Aquila)
    Aquila: Uber squared, this is the (fictional) story of Tropical Storm being filmed, and a wonderful book in its own right.

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näyttää 4/4
A classic Xena Uber. You can read my review here: http://reviews.c-spot.net/archives/1899 ( )
  amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
Ah, so I have read the web version of this book so many times since it was put up way back when I'd lost count. But, this was my first reading of the published book. They are definitely different, although not as drastically different as I thought it might be.

The novel is crammed full of story, and so here and there it comes across as a bit wordy, but, I'd much rather have too much story than no story.

It centers around two women. Dar, a Corporate VP, and Kerry, the director of a small company that just got swallowed by said Corp. It's not a surprising romance plot. The same sort has been done forever. A character who's in charge, but too much in charge, and then a second character stands up tot he first. And the first falls in love with the second and vice versa. In this case, Dar and Kerry are the two women who fall in love.

How they fall in love felt almost real. It's not like some books where first the two main characters get together and then the problems and twists happen. In this book, they slowly get to know each other as their relationship progresses.

There are various corporate disasters that they get to deal with as well as a couple of personal ones too.

I really liked the dreams that both Dar and Kerry have at different points in the story. They're cool like Easter Eggs that work in the story on multiple levels. I also liked that there were parts here and there in the novel that got a bit thriller-ish, and the inner monologues of most of the characters were some of the best I've ever read.

It's a great read. Some of the tech stuff is a teeny tiny bit out of date-ish, but the story resonates across the years. ( )
  DanieXJ | Jun 26, 2016 |
I've heard nothing but good things about this book, and since it fit one of the squares for a challenge I'm currently doing, I decided to take the plunge. And I have to say, I didn't really like this book.

It's Xena uber fiction (for those who don't know what that is, it's fan fiction taking the characters of Xena and Gabrielle and placing them in different time periods). So Dar is Xena and Kerry is Gabrielle. And the author takes great pains in letting us know this at every opportunity. Look, I've read a lot of fan fiction in my day, and I liked it to a degree, but I never got into Xena (I know, I know, bad queer girl!) and it felt like every page the reader is being reminded just who these characters "really" are. So that took down the enjoyment factor for me.

I also don't think that the book has honestly held up all that well; technology changes quickly, and it's painfully obvious that this book is not exactly recent, shall we say.

Also, what is up with all of the "the taller woman," "the younger woman," etc? Change it up a little. It got annoying after a while.

I do like that the romance is a slow build; no one can really accuse this story of being in the instalove category.

I also appreciate that this is a "classic" in lesbian fiction. But I just didn't like it. ( )
  schatzi | Jul 30, 2015 |
I love the characters in this series. This first one is also about the beginning of the relationship between Dar and Kerry, which is fun to read and to revisit. I love Dar's attitude and her IT knowledge. ( )
  DianaSaco | Jul 8, 2015 |
näyttää 4/4
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From bestselling author Melissa Good comes a tale of heartache, longing, family strife, lust for love, and redemption. Tropical Storm took the lesbian reading world by storm when it was first written . . . Don't miss this exciting revised "author's cut" edition.Dar Roberts, corporate raider for a multi-national tech company, is cold, practical, and merciless. She does her job with razor-sharp accuracy. Friends are a luxury she cannot allow herself, and love is something she knows she'll never attain.Kerry Stuart left Michigan for Florida in an attempt to get away from her domineering politician father and the constraints of the overly conservative life her family forced upon her. After college she worked her way into supervision at a small tech company, only to have it taken over by Dar Roberts? organization. Her association with Dar begins in disbelief, hatred, and disappointment, but when Dar unexpectedly hires Kerry as her work assistant, the dynamics of their relationship change. Over time, a bond begins to form. But can Dar overcome years of habit and conditioning to open herself up to the uncertainty of love? And will Kerry escape from the clutches of her powerful father in order to live a better life? The answer to both questions is no ? unless these two women can strengthen and cement the tenuous bond that forms between them. First they must face storms that neither expects . . . and live to tell the tale.

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