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Poems 1968-1972

Tekijä: Denise Levertov

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1101250,677 (4.28)-
Denise Levertov's Poems 1968-1972 gathers together all the poems from Relearning the Alphabet (1970), To Stay Alive (1971), and Footprints (1972). Testifying to Levertov's growing strength and technical mastery as a poet, Poems 1968-1972 also affirms the clarity of her vision in its resistance to the Vietnam War and its "opposition to the whole system of insane greed of which war is only the inevitable expression." The third retrospective volume of her poetry to be published to date by New Directions, Poems 1968-1972 carries forward the record of Denise Levertov's remarkable poetic development from Collected Earlier Poems 1940-1960 and Poems 1960-1967.… (lisätietoja)

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Poems written at the height of resistance to the war in Vietnam. Levertov, a poet and a leader, wrote passionately. William Carlos Williams transformed into a woman who has taken to the streets for peace. Would she were alive today to bring her insight and great ability as a poet to bear on the U.S. occupation of Iraq. There will be no end to the war in Iraq without the passionate and committed opposition of artists such as Denise Levertov. ( )
  DLPatterson | Jun 14, 2006 |
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Denise Levertov's Poems 1968-1972 gathers together all the poems from Relearning the Alphabet (1970), To Stay Alive (1971), and Footprints (1972). Testifying to Levertov's growing strength and technical mastery as a poet, Poems 1968-1972 also affirms the clarity of her vision in its resistance to the Vietnam War and its "opposition to the whole system of insane greed of which war is only the inevitable expression." The third retrospective volume of her poetry to be published to date by New Directions, Poems 1968-1972 carries forward the record of Denise Levertov's remarkable poetic development from Collected Earlier Poems 1940-1960 and Poems 1960-1967.

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