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Good Old Archibald (1960)

Tekijä: Ethelyn M. Parkinson

Muut tekijät: Mary Stevens (Kuvittaja)

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831333,438 (4)2
In Brookfield School, things happen fast, sometimes. So, before anything else happens, I, Trenton J. Conway, Junior, am going to write down some important events of the past four weeks, just for the records...

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Good Old Ralph Jackson and his family have moved out of town. Now his desk is empty in Miss Kramer's class, his house is empty and it just isn't the same. Through the eyes of Trenton J. Conway, Junior we see how different life is without good old Ralph.

The boys are sad about Ralph leaving. He was a key player on the Bumblebees baseball team, and they have a big game coming up in four weeks. Will his being gone cost the team the game? And it just isn't the same when singing The Marines Hymn without gold old Ralph singing in C-sharp through the whole song.

While the boys were commiserating in the schoolyard, a long, shiny car pulled up and a boy got out of it. He was dressed in gray pants, gray jacket, white shirt and necktie, wearing a wrist watch and a ring. He seemed pretty dressed up to be coming to school. What type of student was this guy going to be? Probably not good at baseball and terrible at singing The Marine Hymn. When the boys find out the new kid is named Archibald they figure he is no replacement for good old Ralph.

Archibald is the new kid, coming from a rich family in a not-rich town. How will he win any friendship with the boys? The girls are all taken with him, but he wants to be one of the boys.

Written in 1960, it gives a view of life from a kid's perspective at the time. Kids play outside, use their imagination to keep themselves entertained. They also have chores around the house and live in a family centered world. No electronics for distraction yet they are always doing something.

It is a children's book, but it is a fun read and trip back in time. I think any age could get something out of it and enjoy it. The dedication in the front sort of sums it up:
"To Gerald, Keith, and Louise
their sister dedicates this book in memory of the happy days." ( )
  ChazziFrazz | Aug 23, 2017 |
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Ethelyn M. Parkinsonensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Stevens, MaryKuvittajamuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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In Brookfield School, things happen fast, sometimes. So, before anything else happens, I, Trenton J. Conway, Junior, am going to write down some important events of the past four weeks, just for the records...

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