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Tekijä: Eric Walters

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1684164,888 (3.86)2
In conjunction with the Terry Fox Foundation, award-winning author Eric Walters brings Terry Fox and the Marathon of Hope to life for a whole new generation of young readers This first book for young readers about Terry Fox and the Marathon of Hope, written by one of Canada's best-known writers for young adults, is a blending of fact and fiction, fully endorsed by The Terry Fox Foundation. Hundreds of thousands of young Canadians participate in the Terry Fox Run each year and this book will further enhance their knowledge of Terry's epic journey. Run introduces a national hero to a new generation of readers. In his trademark page-turning style, Eric Walters, bestselling author of Trapped in Ice and Camp X, tells the story of Winston MacDonald. In trouble again after a suspension from school and a runaway attempt, Winston is sent to spend time with his father--a journalist who hasn't been around much since his family split up a year ago. Travelling to Nova Scotia with his father, who is covering what he thinks is just a human interest story about a man trying to run across the country, Winston spends a day with Terry Fox and his best friend, Doug. Their determination to achieve what seems like an impossible goal makes a big impression on Winston, and he takes courage and inspiration from Terry's run. He is overjoyed when his father's article about the Marathon of Hope ignites public interest across the country. But when Winston discovers that his father's next article about the Marathon of Hope will characterize Terry and Doug in an unflattering way, he is furious with his father and fearful of betraying his friends. Unsure of what to do or where to turn, Winston decides it is time to make a run for it himself...… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
A boy reluctantly spends time with his reporter-father who is assigned to follow Terry Fox in the beginning parts of his Marathon of Hope. ( )
  JMBridger | Mar 13, 2011 |
There is a kid who always get suspended from school because he always runs from home and miss school. His dad, who's a news reporter, insist that he come with him on his journey to report on Terry Fox's progress. They go through challenges including the kid running off again. ( )
  piemaster | Jan 31, 2011 |
Reviewed in CM magazine; September, 2003.

  ylemieux | Dec 1, 2010 |
This book tells the tale of a troubled boy who gets to meet the Canadian hero Terry Fox. He tags along with his father who is interviewing Terry for a news story. This is a story of hope, of strength, of courage and of friendship.
Eric Walters does a great job of writing Terry and now that I've read the book I have a clear image of how Terry would look, talk and sound. Yet one other great book by Eric Walters! ( )
  IsaacW | Feb 28, 2008 |
näyttää 4/4
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In conjunction with the Terry Fox Foundation, award-winning author Eric Walters brings Terry Fox and the Marathon of Hope to life for a whole new generation of young readers This first book for young readers about Terry Fox and the Marathon of Hope, written by one of Canada's best-known writers for young adults, is a blending of fact and fiction, fully endorsed by The Terry Fox Foundation. Hundreds of thousands of young Canadians participate in the Terry Fox Run each year and this book will further enhance their knowledge of Terry's epic journey. Run introduces a national hero to a new generation of readers. In his trademark page-turning style, Eric Walters, bestselling author of Trapped in Ice and Camp X, tells the story of Winston MacDonald. In trouble again after a suspension from school and a runaway attempt, Winston is sent to spend time with his father--a journalist who hasn't been around much since his family split up a year ago. Travelling to Nova Scotia with his father, who is covering what he thinks is just a human interest story about a man trying to run across the country, Winston spends a day with Terry Fox and his best friend, Doug. Their determination to achieve what seems like an impossible goal makes a big impression on Winston, and he takes courage and inspiration from Terry's run. He is overjoyed when his father's article about the Marathon of Hope ignites public interest across the country. But when Winston discovers that his father's next article about the Marathon of Hope will characterize Terry and Doug in an unflattering way, he is furious with his father and fearful of betraying his friends. Unsure of what to do or where to turn, Winston decides it is time to make a run for it himself...

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