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The Best Teacher Ever

Tekijä: Mercer Mayer

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1,1551117,912 (3.94)-
"Little Critter has the best teacher around. Miss Kitty even makes math class fun!"--P. [4] cover.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 11) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
PreSchool - 2
  lindsaypcox | Apr 17, 2024 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
The Best Teacher Ever by Mercer Mayer is a fiction book about a talking critter who loves his teacher so much and wants to get her the perfect gift for teacher appreciation. It is an enjoyable book that teaches a valuable lesson at the end. You do not have to spend a lot of money to get the best gift, the best gifts come from the heart. As a future teacher this book made my heart warm up about the effect Ms. Kitty had on her students. I hope to have the same effect on my students and make learning as engaging as she did. I would recommend this book to be read a loud to students before teacher appreciation week that way students are not stressed about what to give their teacher. ( )
  SelmaGasu | Feb 26, 2018 |
It could be used teaching manners and teaching how a student should behave in class. ( )
  tlj033 | Sep 16, 2015 |
I think that this a great book. I like how the illustrations are large on each page compared to the text on each page. The illustrations take up most of the page and there is only a little bit of text on each page. I think that this creates a great visual for the reader to connect to the few words that they are reading. For example, one page has a large picture of a teacher with cupcakes on it, and the text that goes along with this picture is the simple sentence of, "Sometimes she brings special treats for us." I also like the simplicity of this story. The central message of the story is that sometimes creativity is the best tool that one can have. The story is simply about students giving a teacher presents for teacher appreciation week. The student's gift that means the most to the teacher is a drawing of the teacher. The fact that the drawing meant the most to the teacher goes to show that sometimes the simplest, most creative things are the most important. I also like how readers can mirror this story. As a reader I could personally relate to giving teachers presents for teacher appreciation week. I also have experienced giving someone a drawing or a simple present that I had made instead of something extravagant, which ended up meaning a lot to the person that I was giving the gift to. ( )
  abreck2 | Oct 15, 2013 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 11) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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"Little Critter has the best teacher around. Miss Kitty even makes math class fun!"--P. [4] cover.

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2 2
3 5
3.5 1
4 10
5 8

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