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Tekijä: Barbara Taylor Bradford

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
451356,004 (3.18)2
A woman's search for her roots after she was illegally sold as a baby to another family. She is Meredith Stratton, now owner of a chain of international inns, and she is dying to know who she really is. Her search takes her to England and France where she meets a man who will change her future. By the author of Dangerous to Know.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

näyttää 3/3
I picked this book out of curiosity to read for the best-selling English novelist. It is my first book for Barbara Taylor. In my opinion, this book is very superficial. It is full of descriptions and flattering conversations that do no good to the plot. The main characters (Meredith, Patsy, Catherine, Jon, and Luc) are all described as flawless, extremely beautiful, with high manners, very successful and rich and they have endless love to each other. This is an idealistic representation of humans that is illogical and unpersuasive. I do not like it at all and it will definitely be the last book I read for Barbara Taylor. ( )
  LaraSaad | Jun 21, 2016 |
Nice, easy read. Good flowing story. ( )
  soosthemoose | Jan 1, 2016 |
It is a frothy book, full of descriptions of houses, inns, and gardens, but with an interesting genealogical search of a girl for her mother. It had a happy ending ( )
  lopemopay | Nov 22, 2006 |
näyttää 3/3
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


A woman's search for her roots after she was illegally sold as a baby to another family. She is Meredith Stratton, now owner of a chain of international inns, and she is dying to know who she really is. Her search takes her to England and France where she meets a man who will change her future. By the author of Dangerous to Know.

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Keskiarvo: (3.18)
0.5 1
1 1
2 7
2.5 1
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4 5
5 6

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