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Leaves of Grass Tekijä: Walt Whitman

Leaves of Grass (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 1855; vuoden 2007 painos)

Tekijä: Walt Whitman

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut / Maininnat
10,39984701 (4.1)3 / 361
Fiction. Poetry. HTML:

Leaves of Grass is a collection of poems by Walt Whitman originally published in 1855 at the poet's own expense. Criticized when first released for Whitman's use of free verse and his rather racy depictions of sexual love and the senses, Leaves of Grass is a celebration of the human form, the material world and nature.

.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Leaves of Grass
Kirjailijat:Walt Whitman
Info:Wilder Publications (2007), Paperback, 380 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Leaves of Grass (tekijä: Walt Whitman) (1855)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 84) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Back in the 1870s, this was hot stuff. But to me, it is like a bunch of entries in the World's Longest Run-on Sentence contest. Jesus, Walt! Were you too poor to afford some periods?!?
Oh, and the self-glorification.
It was all too much. I just shelved the thing and moved on. ( )
  Treebeard_404 | Jan 23, 2024 |
Ohimè! Oh Vita!

Impregnato di Natura, essere etereo, anima, realtà.
La mia rivelazione. ♥ ( )
  Anshin | Dec 29, 2023 |
Got a facsimile copy of the 1855 first edition so I could read this in its original form, and for the preface which didn't appear in many subsequent editions. I'm glad I did, to get the interesting typographical things Whitman did with this publication. ( )
  JBD1 | Nov 25, 2023 |
$950. original green cloth, gilt-decorated spine, gilt lettering, t.e.g., others untrimmed. Frontis portrait and one leaf of manuscript facsimile. An interesting and uncommon edition of Leaves of Grass, which according to BAL contains the first appearance the 13 poems that comprise "Old Age Echoes" - though Myerson does not recognize that. Herbert Small was one of the founders of Small Maynard in Boston, and Leaves of Grass was one of their first publications, the rights to which they acquired from Whitman's literary executors. This copy may well have been one of the first ones off the press as there is also a signature, The matter of the cancel leaf "Good Bye My Fancy" is a possible reference to later issues having a hyphen between good and bye.
  susangeib | Oct 26, 2023 |
I read this over the course of a few months, and probably should have read it more slowly. Some of his poems really resonate for me, especially "Song of the Open Road" and "Song of Myself." Many of his poems have beautiful individual lines, but taken as a whole just become a jumble of words and lists, rapidly becoming tedious. I love his total acceptance of everyone, regardless of sex, his comfort with sexuality and physicality. I feel he was very authentic, especially given the times he lived in. His poems are a celebration of America and its people, rather than a call for change. ( )
  TheGalaxyGirl | Aug 30, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 84) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Whitman's verse-technique is still of interest to the prosodist. His basic rhythm is an epic one—the Virgilian dactyl-spondee—and his line often hexametric. He sometimes sounds like Clough's Amours de Voyage, though it would be hard to imagine a greater disparity of tone and attitude than that which subsists between these two Victorians. Nevertheless, both Clough and Whitman saw that the loose hexameter could admit the contemporary and sometimes the colloquial..

He has only one subject—acceptance of the life-death cycle and reverence for it—and, since he uses an invariable technique, Leaves of Grass has a unity to be found in few other poets' collected volumes... But Whitman's aim is rather to present a universal democratic vista in terms of the American myth. The America of his poems sometimes seems as symbolic as that of Blake, and the bearded figure that strides across it with a big hello—the Answerer, all things to all men—is as much a home-made archetype as the Giant Albion.
lisäsi SnootyBaronet | muokkaaObserver, Anthony Burgess
Nature may have given the hint to the author of the "Leaves of Grass", but there exists no book or fragment of a book, which can have given the hint to them. All beauty, he says, comes from beautiful blood and a beautiful brain... Who then is that insolent unknown? Who is it, praising himself as if others were not fit to do it, and coming rough and unbidden among writers to unsettle what was settled, and to revolutionize, in fact, our modern civilization?

You have come in good time, Walt Whitman! In opinions, in manners, in costumes, in books, in the aims and occupancy of life, in associates, in poems, conformity to all unnatural and tainted customs passes without remark, while perfect naturalness, health, faith, self-reliance, and all primal expressions of the manliest love and friendship, subject one to the stare and controversy of the world.
lisäsi SnootyBaronet | muokkaaThe United States Review, Walt Whitman (Sep 1, 1855)

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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Alkuteoksen nimi
Teoksen muut nimet
Alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi
Tärkeät paikat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Tärkeät tapahtumat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Kirjaan liittyvät elokuvat
Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Come, said my Soul,
Such verses for my Body let us write, (for we are one,)
That should I after death invisibly return,
Or, long, long hence, in other spheres,
There to some group of mates the chants resuming,
(Tallying Earth's soil, trees, winds, tumultuous waves,)
Ever with pleas'd smile I may keep on,
Ever and ever yet the verses owning - as, first, I here and now
Signing for Soul and Body, set to them my name,
Walt Whitman
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
One's-self I sing, a simple separate person,
Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-masse.
I celebrate myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me, as good belongs to you.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Melange mine own, the unseen and the seen,
Mysterious ocean where the streams empty,
Prophetic spirit of materials shifting and flickering around me,
Living beings, identities now doubtless near us in the air that we know not of,
Contact daily and hourly that will not release me,
These selecting, these in hints demanded of me.
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Whitman revised Leaves of Grass at numerous points in his lifetime, frequently with significant changes between editions. (e.g. 93 pages for the original 1855 edition vs. 439 pages for the final 1891-92 edition.)  This work contains those entries for which the edition is unknown.

If your edition is here and you know which version it is, please separate it and combine it with the correct entry.
Kirjan kehujat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Alkuteoksen kieli
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Kanoninen DDC/MDS
Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Fiction. Poetry. HTML:

Leaves of Grass is a collection of poems by Walt Whitman originally published in 1855 at the poet's own expense. Criticized when first released for Whitman's use of free verse and his rather racy depictions of sexual love and the senses, Leaves of Grass is a celebration of the human form, the material world and nature.


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