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"Three times I've compiled those damned lists, and I'm running out of names. But he still wants more. More souls for his experiments. More lives to be wasted in the pursuit of this vain, useless, futile hunt!" First Magus Vordegh's maniacal obsession to destroy the heretic cult of Order was running out of control. As the atrocities grew and the gods remained indifferent to pleas for sanity, the convictions of even Chaos's most devoted servants were starting to disintegrate. Faith seemed meaningless; trust impossible. The world was going mad. Benetan Liss's faith was cruelly tested by the part he was forced to play in Vordegh's savage reprisals. But the choice was stark: obedience or death, there was no third way. Or so he believed, until one violent event brought him into direct conflict with the heretics -- and the unearthly source of their power.… (lisätietoja)

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This, along with Moonset and Star Ascendant, form Cooper's 'Star Shadow' trilogy, a prequel to her 'Time Master' trilogy, which is one of my old favorites...
Heavily influenced by Michael Moorcock (in my opinion.. but as a matter of fact, Moorcock had this to say: "Never has the battle of Order and Chaos been better recorded than in Louise Cooper's fantasies ... One of our finest writers of epic fantasy"), these stories chronicle the conflict between the powers of Order and Chaos, and the human pawns caught on either side...

I still think the Time Master trilogy is the best, but these were quite enjoyable. These three cover the decline and fall of Chaos on earth, due to disorganized and megalomaniac human leaders and the disinterested non-interference of their gods, the Chaos lords. The cruelty and insanity of the leaders of Chaos spawns a pro-Order peasant rebellion, but the individuals caught on both sides are neither wholly good nor evil, though each tends to be convinced that those on the other side are evil's purest essence...

Lots of complicated relationships and shifting allegiances... Cooper tries to show us multiple facets of each point of view, but I still suspect that her personal sympathies lie with Chaos! ( )
  AltheaAnn | Feb 9, 2016 |
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Three times I've compiled those damned lists, and I'm running out of names. But he still wants more. More souls for his experiments. More lives to be wasted in the pursuit of this vain, useless, futile hunt!" First Magus Vordegh's maniacal obsession to destroy the heretic cult of Order was running out of control. As the atrocities grew and the gods remained indifferent to pleas for sanity, the convictions of even Chaos's most devoted servants were starting to disintegrate. Faith seemed meaningless; trust impossible. The world was going mad. Benetan Liss's faith was cruelly tested by the part he was forced to play in Vordegh's savage reprisals. But the choice was stark: obedience or death, there was no third way. Or so he believed, until one violent event brought him into direct conflict with the heretics -- and the unearthly source of their power.

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