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Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl

Tekijä: Tracy Quan

Sarjat: Nancy Chan (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
3801068,183 (2.85)3
A fun, witty, sexy, page-turning novel written by a real-life, high-priced Manhattan call girl. This is the diary of Nancy Chan, busy career girl, in her thirties, newly engaged and trying to balance job and romance. But Nancy is a high-class call girl, a fact her banker fiance, Matt does not know (he thinks she's a copy editor) and Nancy wants to keep it that way. With one foot in the bedrooms of her rich and demanding clients and one in the world of her fiancé and his family, Nancy demonstrates, in her inimitable fashion, that if you know the dance, you can keep those two worlds from colliding. At least for a while. This wonderfully intelligent, sexually frank, rollicking novel gives us fresh insight into the machinations and politics of being an expensive call girl in the modern world. Quan pulls no punches, gives no apologies, and has written one of the best and most honest books yet on the topic.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 3 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Like reviewer Lara, I can t figure out what review to give this book, either!

I picked it up from one of those Little Library boxes on the street to read while I was working the Memorial Day Weekend. I figured it would be utterly trashy fluff.

Instead, I found myself happily chuckling at the hidden (okay, half hidden) puns and ogling the fashion porn (by which I mean, the passing mention that Vitton never goes on sale or referencing "the pantsuit revolution" in the 60s). ( )
  deliriumshelves | Jan 14, 2024 |
Couldn't finish it.. which says a lot. I love a quick trashy read every now and then.. but this wasn't the one! ( )
  Dunsh01 | Mar 6, 2017 |
For most of this book I really enjoyed the story - however as it got near the 'end' the plot moved too fast and ended unclearly (as in there were plot holes because things moved so quickly). ( )
  aBohemian1 | Jul 11, 2012 |
Made me laugh twice, otherwise, don't bother.

  PamelaReads | Aug 5, 2011 |
The pink girly cover of the book was deceiving. I thought it's more chick lit than an actual call girl's diary. It was quite entertaining and eye-opening to read. I found it too funny that they worry about being caught for tax fraud. The less entertaining things about prostitution, her years on the street and later escorting were carefully avoided to keep it light. I'd have liked to read about it, but it wouldn't have fit with the writing style, story line etc. At the same time I wouldn't want to read a "True Crime" kind of book about prostitution but more a fictionalised but more realistic account. But I have to remember not to read something like that on the subway because I find reading the juicier scenes on public transport embarrassing. It makes me squirm and check if someone's reading over my shoulder
  verenka | Jun 15, 2010 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

A fun, witty, sexy, page-turning novel written by a real-life, high-priced Manhattan call girl. This is the diary of Nancy Chan, busy career girl, in her thirties, newly engaged and trying to balance job and romance. But Nancy is a high-class call girl, a fact her banker fiance, Matt does not know (he thinks she's a copy editor) and Nancy wants to keep it that way. With one foot in the bedrooms of her rich and demanding clients and one in the world of her fiancé and his family, Nancy demonstrates, in her inimitable fashion, that if you know the dance, you can keep those two worlds from colliding. At least for a while. This wonderfully intelligent, sexually frank, rollicking novel gives us fresh insight into the machinations and politics of being an expensive call girl in the modern world. Quan pulls no punches, gives no apologies, and has written one of the best and most honest books yet on the topic.

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Keskiarvo: (2.85)
0.5 1
1 9
2 10
2.5 2
3 36
3.5 5
4 13
4.5 3

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