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In Her Wildest Dreams

Tekijä: Kimberly Dean

Sarjat: Dream Weaver (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2021,114,537 (4.67)-
Shea Caldwell is distraught when she starts sleepwalking again - a dangerous sleep disorder she thought she escaped after childhood. Not only does her disorder frighten her, its effects have wreaked havoc on her love life - especially when she so desperately wants her handsome work associate, Derrick Oneiros, in her bed. But Derrick is already aware of Shea's sleep problems; he's a Dream Wreaker - a spirit of the night that bestows dreams on sleeping humans - and he's determined to protect the beautiful Shea Caldwell from herself ... by any means necessary.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
I found this book a little slow to begin with but it was worth the wait because it got very good.

Shea Caldwell is a scienctist who sleepwalks, she used to when she was younger then she stopped but it has started again and she is scared. Derki Oneiros, is gorgeous (like a Greek God) and she is attracted to him, he runs a security business. He is also a Dream Wreaker, he helps people with their dreams. It is a mischevious Somnambulist that is causing Shea to sleep walk and Derek has to convince Shea that she is not going crazy and that he can help her. Shea also has a stalker who is causing her problems too. ( )
  bhryk0 | Aug 15, 2010 |
This is my second book by Miss Dean and it lived up to my expectations. She hooked me in her first book - What She Wants At Midnight - and I had to know more about the Dream Wreakers. In this story she gives us the tale of another brother - Derek Oneiros.

This time around Miss Dean has a created a book that's more of a suspense thriller than the last one, and there are some truly ...uh...creepy (for want of a better word) events that take place.

Derek Oneiros is a security specialist, Shea Caldwell is a research scientist with a troubled past, and what appears to be a troubled present as well. By day their relationship is strictly professional, but at night, Shea dreams of Derek and their being together. Lately, Shea is afraid to go to sleep as she wakes up in strange places. She fears the sleepwalking problems she had as a child is back. Not only is she not sleeping properly, She believes someone is stealing research from her company.

Security expert Derek Oneiros was called in to try and prevent someone from crippling the company, along the way he fell in love with Shea. Together they must not only stop the creature that has returned from Shea's past and is causing her to sleepwalk, they must also stop a human stalker, and save the company. ( )
  claydragon | Sep 2, 2008 |
näyttää 2/2
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Shea Caldwell is distraught when she starts sleepwalking again - a dangerous sleep disorder she thought she escaped after childhood. Not only does her disorder frighten her, its effects have wreaked havoc on her love life - especially when she so desperately wants her handsome work associate, Derrick Oneiros, in her bed. But Derrick is already aware of Shea's sleep problems; he's a Dream Wreaker - a spirit of the night that bestows dreams on sleeping humans - and he's determined to protect the beautiful Shea Caldwell from herself ... by any means necessary.

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