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Patton's Pawns: The 94th US Infantry Division at the Siegfried Line

Tekijä: Tony Le Tissier

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
371670,828 (3.83)1
The 94th US Infantry Division was an organization formed late in the Second World War, made up largely of draft-deferred university students as enlisted men and an officer corps pulled together from various domestic postings with unfortunate consequences for mutual trust and respect. Initially used as part of the force blockading the Brittany ports after D-Day, in December of 1944, the division was incorporated into General Patton's Third Army south of the Moselle-Saar Triangle, the base of which was a portion of the Siegfried Line known as the Orscholz Switch. Its first c… (lisätietoja)

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While I always welcome accounts of the less-heralded units of World War II, of which the 94th is certainly one, I have a few caveats about this particular book. For one, the author doesn't write with as much flair about the United States Army as he does about the Eastern Front. Two, I'm going to observe that the bibliography is a bit on the weak side, as there is little sense that Le Tissier is familiar with the new historiography that has elevated our understanding of just how well the American infantryman fought in Western Europe, this is not to mention that there is still a touch of the old school British disdain for American generalship. Keeping these points in mind, one does have a good nuts-and-bolts tactical account of a campaign where the weather was almost as much a menace as a German military still capable of exacting a painful price if one put forth less than a sparkling performance; Le Tissier may not have much respect for George S. Patton (who was admittedly not at his best when it came to reducing fortifications) but he does respect the achievements of the men who are his subject. ( )
  Shrike58 | Jul 31, 2013 |
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The 94th US Infantry Division was an organization formed late in the Second World War, made up largely of draft-deferred university students as enlisted men and an officer corps pulled together from various domestic postings with unfortunate consequences for mutual trust and respect. Initially used as part of the force blockading the Brittany ports after D-Day, in December of 1944, the division was incorporated into General Patton's Third Army south of the Moselle-Saar Triangle, the base of which was a portion of the Siegfried Line known as the Orscholz Switch. Its first c

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