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To Heal a Fractured World: The Ethics of Responsibility

Tekijä: Jonathan Sacks

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2264120,908 (4.44)3
One of the most respected religious thinkers of our time makes an impassioned plea for the return of religion to its true purpose--as a partnership with God in the work of ethical and moral living. What are our duties to others, to society, and to humanity? How do we live a meaningful life in an age of global uncertainty and instability? In To Heal a Fractured World, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks offers answers to these questions by looking at the ethics of responsibility. In his signature plainspoken, accessible style, Rabbi Sacks shares with us traditional interpretations of the Bible, Jewish law, and theology, as well as the works of philosophers and ethicists from other cultures, to examine what constitutes morality and moral behavior. "We are here to make a difference," he writes, "a day at a time, an act at a time, for as long as it takes to make the world a place of justice and compassion." He argues that in today's religious and political climate, it is more important than ever to return to the essential understanding that "it is by our deeds that we express our faith and make it real in the lives of others and the world." To Heal a Fractured World--inspirational and instructive, timely and timeless--will resonate with people of all faiths.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
This book seemed directed to members of his own religion (so there was a disjointed feeling on my end-- because I am not quite the target audience). However it was still a fascinating piece of work. He creates webs of connection between philosophy, art, history, and belief.

If I could recommend any part of the work I would flip to the back of the book and read his interpretation of the book of Job and the short chapters that follow it. His treatment of suffering is compassionate yet enabling and empowering.

( )
1 ääni OutOfTheBestBooks | Sep 24, 2021 |
By far the best book on Jewish ethics (or even Judaism) I have ever read. Rabbi Sacks articulates sophisticated concepts using a clear, easy to follow style. I recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in ethics or Judaism, or to anyone who wonders why I scoff when I hear the term "Judeo-Christian."
( )
1 ääni Adrian_Astur_Alvarez | Dec 3, 2019 |
By far the best book on Jewish ethics (or even Judaism) I have ever read. Rabbi Sacks articulates sophisticated concepts using a clear, easy to follow style. I recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in ethics or Judaism, or to anyone who wonders why I scoff when I hear the term "Judeo-Christian."
( )
  Adrian_Astur_Alvarez | Dec 3, 2019 |
A remarkable piece of writing. Rabbi Dr Sacks is a consummate communicator, and in To Heal a Fractured World he takes his reader deep into the heart of Jewish and indeed human ethics. This is not a book whose readership should or could be limited to Jewish practitioners: underlying the ethos of the entire volume is the belief, stated early in the text, that "Unless the holy leads us outward toward the good, and the good leads us back, for renewal, to the holy, the creative energies of faith run dry" (9). With that premise in mind Sacks leads us on a masterful tour through the thoughts of figures from Plato to Beethoven, Yeats to Piaget to Nietzsche to Girard to ... and above all though a sort of applied Moses Maimonides, though the texts of the Hebrew Bible, through the great thoughts of ethicist literature, through the dark labyrinths of the holocaust, into the challenge of being a decent human being. This could be a compulsory text for every practitioner of compassion, regardless of creed, faith or a-faith: this is a spiritual masterpiece. ( )
1 ääni Michael_Godfrey | Apr 26, 2015 |
näyttää 4/4
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One of the most respected religious thinkers of our time makes an impassioned plea for the return of religion to its true purpose--as a partnership with God in the work of ethical and moral living. What are our duties to others, to society, and to humanity? How do we live a meaningful life in an age of global uncertainty and instability? In To Heal a Fractured World, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks offers answers to these questions by looking at the ethics of responsibility. In his signature plainspoken, accessible style, Rabbi Sacks shares with us traditional interpretations of the Bible, Jewish law, and theology, as well as the works of philosophers and ethicists from other cultures, to examine what constitutes morality and moral behavior. "We are here to make a difference," he writes, "a day at a time, an act at a time, for as long as it takes to make the world a place of justice and compassion." He argues that in today's religious and political climate, it is more important than ever to return to the essential understanding that "it is by our deeds that we express our faith and make it real in the lives of others and the world." To Heal a Fractured World--inspirational and instructive, timely and timeless--will resonate with people of all faiths.

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