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My Best Self: Using the Enneagram to Free the Soul (1991)

Tekijä: Kathleen V. Hurley

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631411,117 (3.67)-
The authors of the popular What's My Type? break through to a dramatic new level of Enneagram work by exploring the Original -- or Hidden -- Wound and outlining the recovery of our Repressed Center -- the key to releasing our power to love ourselves, love others, and put our unique talents to work in the world. Reclaiming the Hidden Self or Repressed Center completes, heals, and integrates our personality. Through real-life examples and questions for personal or group use, the authors detail this soul-making process by which we become rounded, capable of love, and empowered to create and contribute. Hurley and Dobson explor the three centers of human intelligence -- the Intellectual, the Relational, and the Creative -- and how they operate in our lives. Each of the nine personality types prefers one center, relies on another for backup support, and represses one center altogether. The Enneagram challenge is to recover the lost resources of our personality's repressed center. Freed to be fully intellectual, creative, and relational in our living, we become able to achieve harmony, joy, love, and creativity.… (lisätietoja)

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This is a fascinating version of the Enneagram. For the 3-6-9 triad, they see two types. Here are the patterns:
Pattern Dominant Ctr Support Ctr Repressed Ctr
1. Achiever Creative Relational Intellectual
2. Helper Relational Creative Intellectual
3. Succeeder Intellectual Creative or Relational
or Creative Intellectual
4. Individualist Relational Intellectual Creative
5. Observer Intellectual Relational Creative
6. Guardian Creative or Relational Intellectual
Relational or Creative
7. Dreamer Intellectual Creative Relational
8. Confronter Creative Intellectual Relational
9. Preservationist Relational or Intellectual Creative
Intellectual or Relational
The three types of intelligences: intellectual, relational, crative; are sometimes referred to head, heart, and gut. Hurley postulates two types of the 3-6-9 triad. They get caught between two aspects and repress their main center. ( )
  vpfluke | Dec 9, 2008 |
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The authors of the popular What's My Type? break through to a dramatic new level of Enneagram work by exploring the Original -- or Hidden -- Wound and outlining the recovery of our Repressed Center -- the key to releasing our power to love ourselves, love others, and put our unique talents to work in the world. Reclaiming the Hidden Self or Repressed Center completes, heals, and integrates our personality. Through real-life examples and questions for personal or group use, the authors detail this soul-making process by which we become rounded, capable of love, and empowered to create and contribute. Hurley and Dobson explor the three centers of human intelligence -- the Intellectual, the Relational, and the Creative -- and how they operate in our lives. Each of the nine personality types prefers one center, relies on another for backup support, and represses one center altogether. The Enneagram challenge is to recover the lost resources of our personality's repressed center. Freed to be fully intellectual, creative, and relational in our living, we become able to achieve harmony, joy, love, and creativity.

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