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Space Prison (1958)

Tekijä: Tom Godwin

Sarjat: Space Barbarians (1)

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2128131,960 (3.52)11
The science fiction novel by author Tom Godwin was first published in 1958 under the title The Survivors. It was later published in 1960 under the title Space Prison. The novel is an expansion of Godwin's story "Too Soon to Die" which first appeared in the magazine Venture. A ship heading from Earth to Athena, a planet 500 light years away, is suddenly attacked by the Gerns, an alien empire in its expansion phase. People aboard are divided by the invaders into Acceptables and Rejects. The Acceptables would become slave labor for the Gerns on Athena, and the Rejects are forced ashore on the nearest 'Earth-like' planet, called Ragnarok. The Gerns say they will return for the Rejects, but the Rejects quickly realise that that isn't going to happen...… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This sci-fi pulp thriller from 1958 is perfect for a rainy Saturday or Sunday afternoon. The Gerns, a ruthless, militaristic race intent on conquering all human civilization, intercept a spaceship bound for Planet Athena. They maroon the passengers on Pandora, a planet ironically named by human explorers because they believed it to be uninhabitable. Pandora’s gravity is 1.5 times Earth’s, requiring maximum effort to perform simple movements like walking and breathing. Pandora orbits around two suns, resulting in decades-long ice ages alternating with equally long summers of intense heat and little or no moisture. The colonists lack natural immunity to the planet’s pathogens, much of the vegetation is poisonous, and the varied animal species are hostile to all life form other than their own.

The population of 1000 colonists shrinks to 69 inhabitants over the years, but the colonists gradually adapt to the harsh environment across generations. We follow their struggles across hundreds of years as the survivors adapt and the colony begins to thrive. And through it all, the driving goal of the survivors is to escape Pandora and face the Gerns in a climactic encounter. ( )
  Tatoosh | Jun 24, 2023 |
Después de dos siglos. El ruido iba haciéndose cada vez más intenso, acercándose más y más, aumentando de grado y dilatándose en volúmen. Luego, el artefacto que lo producía atravesó las nubes, enorme y negro. Maravillosamente destructiva, la nave de los Gern acababa de descubrirles y se acercaba para terminar con ellos.
Humbolt entró en el pilotaje contento y feliz. Durante doscientos años su pueblo había estado esperando la oportunidad de combatir con el poderoso Imperio Gern.
¡Condenados a muerte! Por una aplastante gravedad, aire enrarecido y unos inviernos de un frío jamás imaginado. Veranos agotadores bajo dos soles.
Esto era Ragnarok, el planeta más horripilante hasta entonces descubierto. Y Ragnarok era donde un millar de inexpertos terrestres, junto con mujeres y niños, habían sido abandonados por un sádico enemigo.
  Natt90 | Apr 12, 2023 |
Ok, I needed a break from sophisticated Book Review recommended books, and even from contemporary genre or science fiction. So, something from the 1950s pulp era for a laugh, & I found it, a recommend for Tom Godwin's "Space Prison" from 1958. Originally more accurately named "The Survivors" but it didn't sell enough to even bind all the printed copies, so it got a face lift in 1960 with the sexy title "Space Prison." But it's Godwin, writer of a well-known story "The Cold Equations" - a beloved story that's made it into every single "best-of" collection, and which has been incarnated as a number of films and tv episodes. Seemed like a good bet, yes? No? So, how was "Space Prison?" Very very 1950s pulp, like a bag of potato chips, salty and not very nutritious, but very very quickly consumed. Men fight, women cook, the bad alien "Gerns" have a suspiciously "swarthy" appearance. Of course the plot was absurb and unbelievable. (There was some accurate science, though, mineralogy believe it or not!) The bad guys maroon the "we will survive no matter what" humans on a world that could well have been an inspiration for Harrision's "Deathworld" many years later. Of course they prevail. E. E. "Doc" Smith would have been proud. Pure junk, but in a good way. Sort of. Ok, back to real reading.
  hblanchard | Feb 25, 2023 |
Tom Godwin was one of pioneers of Classis SF. He is well remembered for his short stories but only wrote a few novels.

Much better then I expected. This Short novel is a bit like Jules Verne's Mysterious Island. I enjoyed them both. This is a big story that could have been expanded by %50. The story is well told and kept me interested.

I have spent the last couple of years reviewing SF writers from the Classic period before 1970. Occasionally I discover a lost gem. This book was a welcome find. I will be looking for more of his work. ( )
  ikeman100 | Jul 21, 2020 |
Space Prison by Tom Godwin. A page turner, and a book easily read in two sittings.

Godwin relates a story of a group of humans that are marooned on an alien planet for two hundred years.

Hard Sci Fi this isn't, but an entertaining read all the same. ( )
  btuckertx | Nov 21, 2010 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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To Joe and Blanche Kolarik, whose friendship and encouragement in the years gone by will never be forgotten.
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
For seven weeks the Constellation had been plunging through hyperspace with her eight thousand colonists; fleeing like a hunted thing with her communicators silenced and her drives moaning and thundering.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Schroder was returning from a trip he had taken alone to the east, coming down the long canyon that led from the high face of the plateau to the country near the caves. He hurried, glancing back at the black clouds that had gathered so quickly on the mountain behind him. Thunder rumbled from within them, an almost continuous roll of it as the clouds poured down their deluge of water.     A cloudburst was coming and the sheer-walled canyon down which he hurried had suddenly become a death trap, its sunlit quiet soon to be transformed into roaring destruction. There was only one place along its nine-mile length where he might climb out and the time was already short in which to reach it.      He had increased his pace to a trot when he came to it, a talus of broken rock that sloped up steeply for thirty feet to a shelf. A ledge eleven feet high stood over the shelf and other, lower ledges set back from it like climbing steps.     At the foot of the talus he stopped to listen, wondering how close behind him the water might be. He heard it coming, a sound like the roaring of a high wind up the canyon, and he scrambled up the talus of loose rock to the shelf at its top. The shelf was not high enough above the canyon’s floor – he would be killed there – and he followed it fifty feet around a sharp bend. There it narrowed abruptly, to merge into the sheer wall of the canyon. Blind Alley …     He ran back to the top of the talus where the edge of the ledge, ragged with projections of rock, was unreachably far above him. As he did so the roaring was suddenly a crashing, booming thunder and he saw the water coming.     It swept around the bend at perhaps a hundred miles an hour, stretching from wall to wall of the canyon, the crest of it seething and slashing and towering forty sheer feet above the canyon’s floor.     A prowler was running in front of it, running for its life and losing.     There was no time to watch. He leaped upward, as high as possible, his crossbow in his hand. He caught the end of the bow over one of the sharp projections of rock on the ledge’s rim and began to pull himself up, afraid to hurry lest the rock cut the bowstring in two and drop him back.     It held and he stood on the ledge, safe, as the prowler flashed up the talus below.      It darted around the blind-alley shelf and was back a moment later. It saw that its only chance would be to leap up on the ledge where he stood and it tried, handicapped by the steep, loose slope it had to jump from.   It failed and fell back. It tried again, hurling itself upward with all its strength, and its claws caught fleetingly on the rough rock a foot below the rim. It began to slide back, with no time left for a third try.    It looked up at the rim of safety that it had not quite reached and then on up at him, its eyes bright and cold with the knowledge that it was going to die and its enemy would watch it.     Schroeder dropped flat on his stomach and reached down, past the massive black head, to seize the prowler by the back of the neck. He pulled up with all his strength and the claws of the prowler tore at the rocks as it climbed.  When it was coming up over the ledge, safe, he rolled back from it and came to his feet in one swift, wary motion, his eyes on it and his knife already in his hand. As he did so the water went past below them with a thunder that deafened. Logs and trees shot past, boulders crashed together, and things could be seen surging in the brown depths; shapeless things that had once been woods goats and the battered gray bulk of a unicorn. He saw it all with a sideward glance, his attention on the prowler.    It stepped back from the rim of the ledge and looked at him, warily, as he looked at it. With the wariness was something like question, and almost disbelief.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


The science fiction novel by author Tom Godwin was first published in 1958 under the title The Survivors. It was later published in 1960 under the title Space Prison. The novel is an expansion of Godwin's story "Too Soon to Die" which first appeared in the magazine Venture. A ship heading from Earth to Athena, a planet 500 light years away, is suddenly attacked by the Gerns, an alien empire in its expansion phase. People aboard are divided by the invaders into Acceptables and Rejects. The Acceptables would become slave labor for the Gerns on Athena, and the Rejects are forced ashore on the nearest 'Earth-like' planet, called Ragnarok. The Gerns say they will return for the Rejects, but the Rejects quickly realise that that isn't going to happen...

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