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Inside Inside

Tekijä: James Lipton

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2095130,696 (3.77)7
Each week Inside the Actors Studio takes the unique insights and intimate revelations of its celebrated guests into 84 million homes on the Bravo network and 125 countries. In this book, host Lipton presents the wit, wisdom and candor of a galaxy of stars. With the same candor he demands of his guests, Lipton reveals a life that began under the tutelage of a poet, his father, and a teacher, his mother; continued in the orbit of three theatrical giants, Stella Adler, Harold Clurman and Robert Lewis; and, as writer and producer, took him to the White House with two presidents, the Great Wall of China with Bob Hope, and a wild flight at the controls of an Alaskan bush plane.--From publisher description.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
I came late to the discovery of Inside the Actor's Studio and James Lipton, I only found it a few years ago. Once I found it, I was enthralled, and became quite a fan of Lipton, because of his knowledge, his sense of humor, his joy in life, and his skill as an interviewer. He's always seemed young for his age, but I didn't realize how much so until I looked his age up on IMDB. He was born in Sept. 1926, making him 82! I thought he was in his 60s. So I was quite happy to hear about the publication of his book Inside Inside.

It was a bit slow to get into, and i finally understood his reputation for pomposity. That soon vanished though, and though it is a long book it gets more and more interesting. I had heard a bit of his experiences as a mec, sort of like a pimp but more respectful of the woman. He also knew some fascinating personalities, including Bob Hope, for whom he produced 12 specials. Then, of course, the last part of the book talks about the wonderful interviews done on the show and some of the highlights. I defy anyone to read about Chris Reeve's interview without crying, and marveling at the great gift of openness and vulnerability given not just by Reeves but all the guests.

Marvelous! Mr. Lipton, take a well-deserved bow. ( )
  reannon | Mar 15, 2009 |
If you have ever seen 'Inside the Actor's Studio,' you know that James Lipton, the host, loves language and delving deep into the psyche. I was wondering how this would translate into book form, and was happily pleased that the book was written exactly as he speaks, with a style that is uniquely his. This book is part biography and part behind-the-scenes reports of his hundreds of interviews on the program. I was surprised to discover that Lipton was born and raised in Detroit, and went to Wayne State University before moving to New York. For those who are interested in acting and 'the process,' or simply want to read an interesting local biography, I recommend this book. ( )
  peggybr | Mar 13, 2009 |
Fascinating look at the history of Inside the Actors Studio and the man who is the main driver behind the studio. The behind the scenes insight into the show and the story of his life make for an interesting read. ( )
  LittleTaiko | Feb 18, 2008 |
A very intresting look at the host and telivision show. How they both came to be. I loved the chapter with the Pivot Questionairre. ( )
  chaoscat60 | Dec 31, 2007 |
Content considerations: due to subject matter likely spicy.
  FamiliesUnitedLL | Mar 13, 2023 |
näyttää 5/5
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Each week Inside the Actors Studio takes the unique insights and intimate revelations of its celebrated guests into 84 million homes on the Bravo network and 125 countries. In this book, host Lipton presents the wit, wisdom and candor of a galaxy of stars. With the same candor he demands of his guests, Lipton reveals a life that began under the tutelage of a poet, his father, and a teacher, his mother; continued in the orbit of three theatrical giants, Stella Adler, Harold Clurman and Robert Lewis; and, as writer and producer, took him to the White House with two presidents, the Great Wall of China with Bob Hope, and a wild flight at the controls of an Alaskan bush plane.--From publisher description.

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