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Believing is Seeing: Seven Stories (1999)

Tekijä: Diana Wynne Jones

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1393199,948 (3.7)3
Believing is seeing, as the title of this outstanding collection of fantasies proclaims. And "reading is seeing more than you've ever imagined when in the masterful hands of acclaimed author Diana Wynne Jones. Here are seven tales—seven doorways to bizarre, yet strangely familiar worlds—to transport one and all. In these worlds are a child born to an ordered society but preordained to spread Dissolution . . . a girl who so loves the sun that she renounces her humanity for eternity . . . a cat and a boy, held captive by an evil magician until they can find a bigger magic of their own . . . a woman imprisoned in a strange country dominated by three ravenous wolves . . . and many other characters and stories just as exceptional. These richly drawn, razor-sharp stories showcase the skills and sheer narrative power of one of the most esteemed fantasy writers of our time.… (lisätietoja)

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More than just being an enjoyable read, this collection is a thoughtful read. Every time I have read it I discover at least one or two new layers to think about in at least one or two of the stories. The stories themselves, of course, vary in terms of how much thought they require and inspire.

My favourite story from the collection is 'What the Cat Told Me', definitely, though as a writer 'nad and Dan adn Quaffy' has its own kind of draw to it. . .

The stories are very distinct from each other, and the entire book is a lovely read, which is really no surprise, coming from this author. ( )
  Kalira | May 15, 2024 |
A nice mix of short stories from Jones, a mix of the expected fantasy and some science fiction as well, with a variety of moods. The Sage of Theare amusingly blends human-like gods, prophecies, and alternative universes, with a guest appears by Chrestomanci. The Master is a surreal horror story. Enna Hittims is the one original story in the collection, and my least favorite, about a girl whose drawings of sword and sorcery heroes come to alive to no good end.The Girl Who Loved the Sun is a haunting tale of a woman who wants to, and is able to, become a tree. I'm not totally sure of all that is going on in Dragon Reserve, Home Eight, a mix of SF and fantasy -- I think I need to read The Lives of Christopher Chant to grasp the rules of the universe involved. What the Cat Told Me is a classic fantasy tale of wizard, a Boy, and a Cat, told by the cat. A bit twee for me. nad and Dan adn Quaffy is a bit of meta-SF as a writer and her space opera get entangled.

Sage, Master, and Girl make this collection, especially for fans of Jones who've only read some of her juveniles. ( )
  ChrisRiesbeck | Oct 10, 2021 |
I have wanted to read something by her since I saw Howl's Moving Castle. And I wasn't disappointed. I look forward to reading her work again someday. ( )
  AnnieHidalgo | Sep 3, 2009 |
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Diana Wynne Jonesensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Jakesevic, NenadKuvittajamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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Believing is seeing, as the title of this outstanding collection of fantasies proclaims. And "reading is seeing more than you've ever imagined when in the masterful hands of acclaimed author Diana Wynne Jones. Here are seven tales—seven doorways to bizarre, yet strangely familiar worlds—to transport one and all. In these worlds are a child born to an ordered society but preordained to spread Dissolution . . . a girl who so loves the sun that she renounces her humanity for eternity . . . a cat and a boy, held captive by an evil magician until they can find a bigger magic of their own . . . a woman imprisoned in a strange country dominated by three ravenous wolves . . . and many other characters and stories just as exceptional. These richly drawn, razor-sharp stories showcase the skills and sheer narrative power of one of the most esteemed fantasy writers of our time.

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