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To Catch a Spy (2002)

Tekijä: Stuart M. Kaminsky

Sarjat: Toby Peters (22)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
731369,838 (3.85)2
Hollywood gumshoe Toby Peters - who has played sleuth to such movie luminaries as Humphrey Bogart, the Marx Brothers, Bette Davis, Mae West and Charlie Chaplin - now finds himself working for Cary Grant. The assignment seems simple enough - Grant merely wants Toby to deliver a package and pick up an envelope at Elysian Park in the middle of the night. But at the critical moment of the exchange, a shot rings out and Toby finds himself with a corpse on his hands, a lump on his head, grass in his mouth and a dying man's words - the name George Hall - on his mind. Now in pursuit of a murderer, Toby and Cary Grant follow a trail of clues that leads them to a second dead body, a nest of Nazi sympathisers, and finally to a nighttime confrontation with a determined and well-armed killer on the grounds of an estate at the edge of Laurel Canyon. As always, Toby can count on the aid of his friends: a melancholy dentist; a huge wrestler-turned-poet; a suave, multilingual, Swiss little person; and Mrs Irene Plaut, Toby's daffy but dogged landlady. All four lend Toby their dubious talents in a riotous plot that brings the hapless private eye and unflappable Cary Grant to a genuinely cliffhanging climax.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

Surprisingly enjoyable! I don't usually read spy fiction, but I was bored one day so I picked it up and began to read. I really liked it! Particularly enjoyable was the inclusion of Cary Grant in the story. I guess I've been missing out by not reading more historical fiction. ( )
  veronicatabares | Feb 17, 2011 |
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Hollywood gumshoe Toby Peters - who has played sleuth to such movie luminaries as Humphrey Bogart, the Marx Brothers, Bette Davis, Mae West and Charlie Chaplin - now finds himself working for Cary Grant. The assignment seems simple enough - Grant merely wants Toby to deliver a package and pick up an envelope at Elysian Park in the middle of the night. But at the critical moment of the exchange, a shot rings out and Toby finds himself with a corpse on his hands, a lump on his head, grass in his mouth and a dying man's words - the name George Hall - on his mind. Now in pursuit of a murderer, Toby and Cary Grant follow a trail of clues that leads them to a second dead body, a nest of Nazi sympathisers, and finally to a nighttime confrontation with a determined and well-armed killer on the grounds of an estate at the edge of Laurel Canyon. As always, Toby can count on the aid of his friends: a melancholy dentist; a huge wrestler-turned-poet; a suave, multilingual, Swiss little person; and Mrs Irene Plaut, Toby's daffy but dogged landlady. All four lend Toby their dubious talents in a riotous plot that brings the hapless private eye and unflappable Cary Grant to a genuinely cliffhanging climax.

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