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A Hunger for God: Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer

Tekijä: John Piper

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

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2,03668,109 (4.1)1
Do Christians have a hunger for God? There is an appetite for God. And it can be awakened. Piper suggests a turn from the dulling effects of food and the dangers of idolatry, and to say with a simple fast: 'This much, O God, I want you.'.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Classic Piper. Let's you understand just why fasting actually is an important part of your spiritual life. Other books I've read on the topic emphasize an increase in prayer effectiveness. Piper relates it more to delighting in the God who gives and not in His gifts. Reading it again. ( )
  HGButchWalker | Sep 21, 2016 |
I had never fasted before. I picked this book up after reading Desiring God and just felt that I was called to fast during Lent. I chose Wednesdays, and except for one Wednesday while I was on a mission trip, I was successful. It wasn't easy. I love food. But in the evening when I was hungry, I sat down with this book and read a chapter or two for inspiration. I wasn't disappointed. John Piper brings out the biblical reasons for fasting, as well as the idolatrous aspects food had taken on in my life. It is a book to read over and over for the depth that Piper brings to the subject. ( )
  BeulahChurchLibrary | Jun 24, 2011 |
Absolutely outstanding. This book was far better than I anticipated and I had high expectations. I had hoped for a biblical solid explanation of fasting, particularly with New Testament/Christ-centered perspective. It was that and more.

This book challenged me afresh on the idolatry in my life and the place of honor that belongs only to Jesus. It helped my understand not only the place of food (or other things) in the midst of fasting but the place of food in my life in general.

I am more prepared to honor Christ with food in my life than ever before and I'm more prepared to use food as a tool in the battle to take all thoughts captive to Christ, to delight myself in the Lord, and to live for His glory.

This book would be a worthwhile read even for someone not yet interested in fasting, though, to be honest, they'd probably be interested in it by the time the completed the book. ( )
2 ääni dvalliere | Mar 19, 2010 |
A good one to read during Lent. Really brought me up short in a few places. ( )
  lizw | Dec 31, 2005 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Do Christians have a hunger for God? There is an appetite for God. And it can be awakened. Piper suggests a turn from the dulling effects of food and the dangers of idolatry, and to say with a simple fast: 'This much, O God, I want you.'.

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3 11
3.5 3
4 41
4.5 2
5 31

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