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Don't Mess with Mrs In-Between

Tekijä: Liz Evans

Sarjat: PI Grace Smith (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
602440,471 (3.82)-
When Barbra Delaney comes into Grace Smith's office, looks her in the eye and announces, 'I'm filthy rich and I've decided to make a will leaving the lot to a complete stranger. I've chosen you...', Grace thinks she may be hallucinating. It is, after all, the stuff of which daydreams are made. That is until Barbra hands Grace the photographs of three complete strangers, and tells her to find their names and addresses so that she can will all her dear departed husband's worldly goods to them. But, as Grace tracks down the lucky legatees, she discovers that they all have their own reasons for not wanting her poking around in their lives. When a series of increasingly violent events culminates in a very nasty death, it seems that someone will stop at nothing - not even murder - to stop Grace finding out the truth ...… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
I eased them open to let in the sea breezes and the gulls' incessant squarking, and then spread Barbra's photo collection over the desk.
She had a camera with an automatic motor; by keeping her finger on the shot button she'd captured half a dozen views of each person from the moment they left the shop door until they were a few yards down the street.
I grouped them into subjects. There were three of them. Barbra was intending to leave her money to a man, a woman ... and a parrot.

Grace has been short of work recently but her boss calls her into his office and asks her to take on a case for a friend of his - a millionaire's widow who wants to find out the names and addresses of three people whose photos she took in a nearby village. She is planning to change her will and leave these random strangers all her money, as she doesn't get on with her yobbish son and suspects him of trying to kill her.

As usual Grace isn't having much luck; the detective agency and her flat are both broken into, her best friend and fellow detective Annie is thinking of moving to London, her parents have more or less disowned her and her friends seem to have forgotten her birthday. Her luck with men doesn't seem to be getting any better either. An amusing and enjoyable addition to the Grace Smith series. ( )
  isabelx | Feb 14, 2009 |
What I liked about this book - the mystery had enough different plot lines and characters that the end was a satisfying linking up of various threads. And it was a nice long book. I think I'll go back and read the first two books in the series. ( )
  tjsjohanna | Jan 30, 2008 |
näyttää 2/2
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When Barbra Delaney comes into Grace Smith's office, looks her in the eye and announces, 'I'm filthy rich and I've decided to make a will leaving the lot to a complete stranger. I've chosen you...', Grace thinks she may be hallucinating. It is, after all, the stuff of which daydreams are made. That is until Barbra hands Grace the photographs of three complete strangers, and tells her to find their names and addresses so that she can will all her dear departed husband's worldly goods to them. But, as Grace tracks down the lucky legatees, she discovers that they all have their own reasons for not wanting her poking around in their lives. When a series of increasingly violent events culminates in a very nasty death, it seems that someone will stop at nothing - not even murder - to stop Grace finding out the truth ...

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3.5 2
4 6
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5 3

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