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The Planet Savers / Sword of Aldones (1962)

Tekijä: Marion Zimmer Bradley

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484551,796 (3.42)14
Marion Zimmer was born in Albany, NY, on June 3, 1930, and married Robert Alden Bradley in 1949. Mrs. Bradley received her B.A. in 1964 from Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, then did graduate work at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1965-67. She was a science fiction/fantasy fan from her middle teens, and made her first sale as an adjunct to an amateur fiction contest in Fantastic/Amazing Stories in 1949. She had written as long as she could remember, but wrote only for school magazines and fanzines until 1952, when she sold her first professional short story to Vortex Science Fiction. She wrote everything from science fiction to Gothics, but is probably best known for her Darkover novels. In addition to her novels, Mrs. Bradley edited many magazines, amateur and professional, including Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, which she started in 1988. She also edited an annual anthology called Sword and Sorceress for DAW Books. Over the years she turned more to fantasy; The House Between the Worlds, although a selection of the Science Fiction Book Club, was "fantasy undiluted". She wrote a novel of the women in the Arthurian legends -- Morgan Le Fay, the Lady of the Lake, and others -- entitled Mists of Avalon, which made the NY Times best seller list both in hardcover and trade paperback, and she also wrote The Firebrand, a novel about the women of the Trojan War. Her historical fantasy novels, The Forest House, Lady of Avalon, Mists of Avalon are prequels to Priestess of Avalon She died in Berkeley, California on September 25, 1999, four days after suffering a major heart attack. She was survived by her brother, Leslie Zimmer; her sons, David Bradley and Patrick Breen; her daughter, Moira Stern; and her grandchildren.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
Includes '"A Darkover Retrospective" featuring "the series that growed" as described by Marion.
  JeffBook | Mar 1, 2024 |
I read "The Planet Savers" as part of another edition, so this is just about "The Sword of Aldones." This is a story that was later re-written, and yes, the later version is much, much better. This isn't surprising because this was one of the first stories written for the series, and a lot of concepts hadn't yet been gelled, and MZB's writing of course improved in a big way later on. It was, nonetheless, an excellent read, which I'd still recommend to any Darkover fans. MZB knows how to keep us reading! My edition also has an essay by MZB about Darkover at the back, which is pretty interesting. ( )
  t1bnotown | Jan 20, 2020 |
I am trying to read these in chronological order and it said this was next but Regis and Rafe Scott's ages are wrong. In the next book on the list Regis is 18. In this one he has five kids and Rafe Scott is an adult. In Heritage Rafe was only 12 and Regis 15. So Planet Savers has to come after Sharra's Exile. It was a simple story with a slight twist, a very quick read. It had Regis, Lerries Ridenow and Rafe Scott but the second two were barely mentioned throughout the story. Lerries might as well not have been a character at all he was so wasted and never spoke a word. The book was actually an anthology of two stories and the last one was a mini horror which had Sybil-Mhari as Rohanna's foster sister refused entry to tower by Hastur leroni (sounded like Leonie but Leonie was only 15 when Rohanna age 13 arrived at Arilinn tower. Only other mention of a Sybil-Mhari was that she was a slut but in this she used her sexuality and position to have men killed or tortured because she got off on fear and terror and sex. ( )
  Karen74Leigh | Sep 23, 2019 |
In my continuing review of classic SF these are the first Bradley books I have ever read. Somehow I missed her books when I was younger.

These two stories are early works and I'm told, are not her best. I hope they are not. I found these typical of classic 60s SF but not above average. So I rate them three stars.

The stories are pure space opera with swords, telepathy and important families. It's not my cup of tea but she had a long and award winning career so she most have done something right. ( )
  ikeman100 | Dec 14, 2017 |
I'm a fan of Marion Zimmer Bradley, but my affection for her rests not on the Avalon books, which I didn't care for, but her Darkover series. Darkover is a "lost colony" of Earth that falls into a medieval society. Ruled by a psychic aristocracy it is later rediscovered by a star-spanning high-tech human federation after centuries, giving the series a feel of both science fiction and fantasy. The series as a whole features strong female characters, but it has enough swashbuckling adventure to draw the male of the species, and indeed this series was recommended to me by a guy (when we were in high school!)

Although some books are loosely connected, having characters in common, they were written to be read independently and were written out of sequence. Part of the difficulty of knowing what to read, and in what order to read comes from that. The Planet Savers (1962) and The Sword of Aldones (1958) are two of the earliest novels MZB ever published, the first two published in the Darkover series, even though chronologically they come late. The Sword of Aldones was first conceived in MZB's teens in fact, and feeling the story deserved a more mature treatment, she rewrote it and it was published as Sharra's Exile. That's a much better book, and you should read it instead. The Planet Savers is short and entertaining, but barely indicates the potential of the series at its best. You get more a glimpse of that in the included short story, "The Waterfall," written about 15 years after The Planet Savers, after Marion Zimmer Bradley had greatly improved as a writer. As a Darkover fan, I'm happy to have The Planet Savers and "The Waterfall," but by no means is this the place to start reading the series and the novels included in this edition are among MZB's weakest books and not representative of the series at its best. ( )
  LisaMaria_C | Oct 22, 2012 |
näyttää 5/5
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» Lisää muita tekijöitä (4 mahdollista)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Marion Zimmer Bradleyensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Warhola, JamesKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Sinun täytyy kirjautua sisään voidaksesi muokata Yhteistä tietoa
Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Alkuteoksen nimi
Teoksen muut nimet
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi
Tärkeät paikat
Tiedot saksankielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Tärkeät tapahtumat
Kirjaan liittyvät elokuvat
Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
Tiedot saksankielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Für Rick Sneary (In: das Schwert des Aldones)
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
The Planet Savers:

In the time I got myself all the way awake I thought I was alone.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
Tiedot saksankielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Zwei Werke in einem Band: 1. Retter des Planeten, 2. Das Schwert des Aldones
Kirjan kehujat
Alkuteoksen kieli
Kanoninen DDC/MDS
Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

Marion Zimmer was born in Albany, NY, on June 3, 1930, and married Robert Alden Bradley in 1949. Mrs. Bradley received her B.A. in 1964 from Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, then did graduate work at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1965-67. She was a science fiction/fantasy fan from her middle teens, and made her first sale as an adjunct to an amateur fiction contest in Fantastic/Amazing Stories in 1949. She had written as long as she could remember, but wrote only for school magazines and fanzines until 1952, when she sold her first professional short story to Vortex Science Fiction. She wrote everything from science fiction to Gothics, but is probably best known for her Darkover novels. In addition to her novels, Mrs. Bradley edited many magazines, amateur and professional, including Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, which she started in 1988. She also edited an annual anthology called Sword and Sorceress for DAW Books. Over the years she turned more to fantasy; The House Between the Worlds, although a selection of the Science Fiction Book Club, was "fantasy undiluted". She wrote a novel of the women in the Arthurian legends -- Morgan Le Fay, the Lady of the Lake, and others -- entitled Mists of Avalon, which made the NY Times best seller list both in hardcover and trade paperback, and she also wrote The Firebrand, a novel about the women of the Trojan War. Her historical fantasy novels, The Forest House, Lady of Avalon, Mists of Avalon are prequels to Priestess of Avalon She died in Berkeley, California on September 25, 1999, four days after suffering a major heart attack. She was survived by her brother, Leslie Zimmer; her sons, David Bradley and Patrick Breen; her daughter, Moira Stern; and her grandchildren.

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