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March of Dimes (NY) (Images of America)

Tekijä: David W. Rose

Sarjat: Images of America [Arcadia] (New York)

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For more than half a century, a deadly viral disease known as poliomyelitis, or infantile paralysis, caused permanent crippling injury to thousands of Americans. Many died from polio; others were disabled for life. Summertime epidemics brought fear to anxious parents who tried to protect their children during "polio season." Although a cure was never found, protection came in the form of a vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk, a grantee of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The foundation, better known as the March of Dimes, succeeded in its efforts to eradicate polio from the United States and expanded its mission to the prevention of birth defects and infant mortality. March of Dimes documents one of the most successful voluntary health organizations in history. Founded by Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1938, the March of Dimes thrives on the dedication and energy of volunteers. American celebrities from Eddie Cantor to Helen Hayes and Elvis Presley have joined the fight against polio and birth defects. Millions participate in WalkAmerica, the nation's best-known walkathon fund-raiser, and March of Dimes poster children have symbolized the challenge of life with crippling diseases. Unlike any other, the March of Dimes story is an astonishing blend of science, medicine, and American popular culture.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatjralonso, NYBG, pklinstitute, jdutra5

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For more than half a century, a deadly viral disease known as poliomyelitis, or infantile paralysis, caused permanent crippling injury to thousands of Americans. Many died from polio; others were disabled for life. Summertime epidemics brought fear to anxious parents who tried to protect their children during "polio season." Although a cure was never found, protection came in the form of a vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk, a grantee of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The foundation, better known as the March of Dimes, succeeded in its efforts to eradicate polio from the United States and expanded its mission to the prevention of birth defects and infant mortality. March of Dimes documents one of the most successful voluntary health organizations in history. Founded by Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1938, the March of Dimes thrives on the dedication and energy of volunteers. American celebrities from Eddie Cantor to Helen Hayes and Elvis Presley have joined the fight against polio and birth defects. Millions participate in WalkAmerica, the nation's best-known walkathon fund-raiser, and March of Dimes poster children have symbolized the challenge of life with crippling diseases. Unlike any other, the March of Dimes story is an astonishing blend of science, medicine, and American popular culture.

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