chisholm (253), nortonmillerweek6 (220), nortonmillerweek4 (197), nortonmillerweek5 (168), jane gil (159), LM/put in collection (157), nortonmillerweek3 (151), pat o'malley (118), nortonmillerweek7 (114), andrewhenderson May 2018 (108), rudyschmid2017 (93), chisholm/put in collection (78), LM (77), Mary Young (75), brian boom 2018 (72), cart 2018_1/sold (71), nortonmillerweek2 (61), Mike Balick June 2019/free cart (47), NYBG Press May 2019/free cart (45), NYBG Press May 2019 (43), Mary Young/put in collection (42), mori 2019 (41), balick kronenberg (37), jane gil/put in collection (36), 11_28 cart/free cart (35), 202002 cart (32), DW office backlog (31), helen montgomery estate/put in collection (31), rudyschmid c5 (29), rudyschmid o44 (29), mike balick june 2018/put in collection (29), nortonmillerweek1 (28), directors office 2018 (26), mori 2019/put in collection (26), rudyschmid c7 (26), Mike Balick June 2019/added to collection (26), rudyschmid 24 (25), rudyschmid 23 (25), rudyschmid mex 1 (25), balick April 2018/free cart (25), rudyschmid 6 (25), gotelli-halling (24), rudyschmid c1 (24), rudyschmid c11 (23), rudyschmid 10 (23), Mike Balick June 2019/given to cbhl (23), rudyschmid c13 (23), cbhl 11_13_18 (23), rudyschmid e1 (22), balick April 2018/to cbhl (22), rudyschmid r8 (22), rudyschmid 14 (22), rudyschmid c6 (21), rudyschmid 7 (21), rudyschmid 20 (21), rudyschmid r10 (21), rudyschmid b2c2 (21), rudyschmid c10 (20), NYBG Press May 2019/put in collection (20), rudyschmid 25 (20), rudyschmid 12 (20), rudyschmid 21 (20), rudyschmid p48 (20), rudyschmid c9 (20), mike balick june 2018 (20), helen montgomery estate (20), rudyschmid 30 (19), rudyschmid 15 (19), rudyschmid 22 (19), Bill Buck June 2019/added to collection (19), rudyschmid 16 (19), nortonmiller/given to staff (19), rudyschmid 4 (19), rudyschmid e9 (19), rudyschmid c15 (19), rudyschmid e8 (19), rudyschmid o43 (19), rudyschmid g41 (19), rudyschmid c12 (19), rudyschmid r5 (18), nortonmiller/given to cbhl (18), rudyschmid e6 (18), rudyschmid e2 (18), rudyschmid 11 (18), rudyschmid c4 (17), nortonmillerweek4/zubal (17), rudyschmid e7 (17), rudyschmid 40 (17), nortonmillerweek6/zubal (17), andrew henderson June 2018 (17), helen montgomery estate/given to cbhl (17), rudyschmid na wc 1 (17), rudyschmid e10 (17), rudyschmid 34 (17), rudyschmid c14 (17), Henderson FY2018 (17), rudyschmid 3 (17), rudyschmid 18 (17), duplicate (17), mori 2019/sent to cbhl (17), rudyschmid 1 (17), rudyschmid 38 (16), rudyschmid e5 (16), rudyschmid sa1 (16), Reeds December 2019 (16), rudyschmid r11 (15), rudyschmid h4 (15), rudyschmid 5 (15), rudyschmid p49 (15), rudyschmid g42 (14), balick April 2018/offer to zubal (14), rudyschmid 9 (14), nortonmillerweek2/zubal (14), scott mori August 2019 (14), rudyschmid e3 (14), rudyschmid 33 (14), rudyschmid r7 (13), rudyschmid pb2 (13), rudyschmid r4 (13), rudyschmid c10/put in collection (13), rudyschmid ca1 (13), rudyschmid r9 (13), rudyschmid 31 (13), rudyschmid adams (13), directors office 2018/sent to cbhl (13), rudyschmid c8 (13), CBHL 10_2_17 (13), rudyschmid 2 (12), education 2018 (12), andrew henderson June 2018/given to cbhl (12), jessicasavage2019/put in collection (12), rudyschmid sa3 (12), rudyschmid pb1 (12), rudyschmid af2 (12), rudyschmid o46 (12), rudyschmid c3 (12), rudyschmid na wi 3 (11), balick kronenberg/put in collection (11), rudy schmid 11/2016/put in collection (11), rudyschmid 19 (11), rudyschmid 26 (11), rudyschmid 29 (11), rudyschmid 13 (11), rudyschmid af1 (11), rudyschmid e4 (10), rudyschmid o47 (10), rudyschmid 32 (10), rudyschmid na wi 2 (10), rudyschmid mex 2 (10), rudyschmid 35 (10), rudyschmid 27 (10), cart 2018_1/unsold (10), balick April 2018/put in collection (10), cahilly (10), education 2018/sent to cbhl (9), rudyschmid as4 (9), rudyschmid 39 (9), brian boom 2018/put in collection (9), rudyschmid 19/put in collection (9), rudyschmid eu4/sold to zubal (9), mike balick june 2018/given to cbhl (9), swap cart/sold (9), nortonmillerweek5/zubal (9), rudyschmid o45 (9), rudyschmid aazz/put in collection (9), dorrie rosen 2019 (9), NYBG Press June 2019 (9), 2018_10 cbhl cart/given to cbhl (9), rudyschmid older boxes (9), rudyschmid na wi 1 (9), rudyschmid 17 (9), cbhl 11_13_18/given to cbhl (9), NYBG Press June 2019/put in collection (9), mike balick april 2017 (8), rudyschmid a7 (8), rudyschmid pb3 (8), rudyschmid 31/put in collection (8), Henderson FY2018/given to cbhl (8), LM/do not keep for collection (8), andrewhenderson May 2018/put in collection (8), rudyschmid a6 (8), rudyschmid 8 (8), rudyschmid 36 (8), rudyschmid h2 (8), rudyschmid econ1 (8), rudyschmid c8/put in collection (8), rudyschmid 37 (8), rudyschmid c14/put in collection (8), rudyschmid c7/put in collection (8), rudyschmid a1 (7), pat o'malley/put in collection (7), mike balick may 2018/put in collection (7), nortonmiller/put in collection (7), rudyschmid as3 (7), education 2018/put in collection (7), rudyschmid r6 (7), rudyschmid r3 (7), nortonmillerweek3/zubal (7), NYBG childrens ed (7), rudyschmid h3 (7), scott mori August 2019/put in collection (7), gotelli-halling/given to cbhl (7), 2018_10 cbhl cart (6), rudyschmid as1 (6), rudyschmid a4 (6), rudyschmid h1 (6), rudyschmid c9/put in collection (6), rudyschmid c11/put in collection (6), rudyschmid c6/put in collection (6), rudyschmid na3/given to NYS Arborists (6), rudyschmid pb4 (6), colta ives 2019/put in collection (6), rudyschmid e7/put in collection (6), rudyschmid c12/put in collection (6), 09_2018 cart (6), rudyschmid/put in collection (6), rudyschmid na3 (6), rudyschmid bio 1/put in collection (6), rudyschmid aazz (5), rudyschmid a3 (5), rudy/given to brit (5), NYBG Press May 2019/given to plant records (5), rudyschmid eu4 (5), CBHL 10_2_17/sent to cbhl (5), rudy schmid 11/2016 (5), nortonmiller/given to luteyn (5), chisholm/given to plant records (5), rudyschmid c13/put in collection (5), rudyschmid na4 (5), rudyschmid 25/put in collection (5), rudyschmid 6/put in collection (5), Bill Buck June 2019 (4), mike balick may 2018/free cart (4), anonymous (4), andrewhenderson May 2018/given to staff (4), nortonmillerweek7/zubal (4), rudyschmid c1/put in collection (4), rudyschmid c15/put in collection (4), rudyschmid a5 (4), rudyschmid 29/put in collection (4), rudyschmid j7 (4), andrewhenderson May 2018/given to cbhl (4), rudyschmid 27/put in collection (4), rudyschmid e3/put in collection (4), rudyschmid 39/put in collection (4), Mary Young/given to cbhl (4), rudyschmid eu1 (4), brian boom 2018/given to cbhl (3), rudyschmid 26/put in collection (3), mike balick june 2018/given to staff (3), rudyschmid mex 1/put in collection (3), rudyschmid sa1/put in collection (3), rudyschmid 40/put in collection (3), rudyschmid e8/put in collection (3), rudyschmid as2 (3), rudyschmid na wi 2/sold to zubal (3), rudyschmid na wc 1/sold to zubal (3), rob naczi 2019 (3), rudyschmid na3/put in collection (3), rudyschmid na4/sold to zubal (3), NYBG Press June 2019/given to plant records (3), rudyschmid g41/put in collection (3), Neely Bower/put in collection (3), mike balick june 2018/held (3), rudyschmid 16/put in collection (3), colta ives 2019 (3), rudyschmid eu1/sold to zubal (3), rudyschmid 5/put in collection (3), rudyschmid ovr 1 (3), elizabeth barlow rogers 2017/free cart (3), rudyschmid e6/put in collection (3), swap cart/unsold (3), rudyschmid e5/put in collection (3), rudyschmid 11/put in collection (3), gregory long 2018 (3), LM/given to NYS Arborists (2), karl lauby (2), rudyschmid r4/given to NYS Arborists (2), rudyschmid na4/given to NYS Arborists (2), rudyschmid 26/given to NYS Arborists (2), rudyschmid na wi 3/put in collection (2), mike balick 4_12_17/in storage (2), LM/put in archives (2), rudy/put in collection (2), rudyschmid2017/put in collection (2), rudyschmid o47/put in collection (2), michaelbalick2016/free cart (2), rudyschmid 9/put in collection (2), rudyschmid na wi 3/sold to zubal (2), rudyschmid eu1/put in collection (2), rudyschmid e2/put in collection (2), rudyschmid 17/put in collection (2), anonymous/given to cbhl (2), rudyschmid 35/put in collection (2), cart 2018_1/lost (2), Mary Young/free cart (2), rudyschmid older boxes/put in collection (2), monicasuazo2017 (2), rudyschmid 14/put in collection (2), rudyschmid 22/put in collection (2)
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Feb 9, 2007

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