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From the Ground Up: Mennonite Contributions to International Peacebuilding

Tekijä: Cynthia Sampson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
In recent years, religion- and culture-based approaches to conflict resolution have been implemented at both the local and regional level. The U.S. State Department, the U.S. Institute of Peace, and other governmental agencies now recognize that religious leaders, transnational religiousmovements, and faith-based NGOs are central players in the post Cold War era of ethnic and religious conflict.Through the Mennonite Central Committee and its International Conciliation Service, the Mennonites have been the leaders in this emerging area of expertise. This collection of essays chronicles, analyzes, and evaluates the Mennonite contribution to the new cultural paradigm in conflict resolutionand peacebuilding theory and practice. Here, essayists provide a thorough account of Mennonite initiatives to prevent, resolve, or transform conflict in a variety of settings. Part One of this volume sets the subject in historical context. Part Two presents case studies of Mennonite peacebuilding inSouth Africa, Northern Ireland, Colombia, Nicaragua, Somalia, Liberia, Haiti, and Hebron. In Part Three, four non-Mennonite scholars look at Mennonite peacebuilding, comparing it to Quaker and secular techniques, exploring its relationship with Mennonite religious values, and assessing its strengthsand weaknesses.Thoroughly researched and carefully argued, From the Ground Up is a vital resource for students and scholars of religion, diplomacy, and peacemaking.… (lisätietoja)

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"In recent years, religion - and culture-based approaches to conflict
resolution and peacebuilding have been implemented at both the domestic and
international levels. Established conflict resolution programs have integrated
religious approaches into their curricula and research agendas. The U.S. State
Department, the U.S. Institute of Peace, and other governmental and
intergovernmental agencies now recognize that religious leaders, transnational
religious movements, and faith-based NGOs are central players in the post-Cold
War era of ethnic and religious conflict.
Through the Mennonite Central Committee, its International Conciliation
Service, and several Mennonite mission boards, the Mennonites have become
leaders in this growing field of practice. This collection of essays looks at
the Mennonite contribution to the new cultural/religious paradigm in conflict
resolution and peacebuilding theory and practice. Combining a rich selection of
case materials spanning nine countries, this book enlarges the literature in
several important ways. It draws a legitimate connection between spirituality
and pragmatic international peacebuilding. It contributes to the growing but
still limited case literature on religiously motivated peacebuilding, and, in
so doing, examines the theological, moral, and cultural underpinnings of
Mennonite peacebuilding practice." --jacket
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  collectionmcc | Mar 6, 2018 |
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In recent years, religion- and culture-based approaches to conflict resolution have been implemented at both the local and regional level. The U.S. State Department, the U.S. Institute of Peace, and other governmental agencies now recognize that religious leaders, transnational religiousmovements, and faith-based NGOs are central players in the post Cold War era of ethnic and religious conflict.Through the Mennonite Central Committee and its International Conciliation Service, the Mennonites have been the leaders in this emerging area of expertise. This collection of essays chronicles, analyzes, and evaluates the Mennonite contribution to the new cultural paradigm in conflict resolutionand peacebuilding theory and practice. Here, essayists provide a thorough account of Mennonite initiatives to prevent, resolve, or transform conflict in a variety of settings. Part One of this volume sets the subject in historical context. Part Two presents case studies of Mennonite peacebuilding inSouth Africa, Northern Ireland, Colombia, Nicaragua, Somalia, Liberia, Haiti, and Hebron. In Part Three, four non-Mennonite scholars look at Mennonite peacebuilding, comparing it to Quaker and secular techniques, exploring its relationship with Mennonite religious values, and assessing its strengthsand weaknesses.Thoroughly researched and carefully argued, From the Ground Up is a vital resource for students and scholars of religion, diplomacy, and peacemaking.

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