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Danger of Defeat: The compelling WWI murder mystery series (Home Front Detective)

Tekijä: Edward Marston

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314,152,783 (4)-
February 1918. Detective Inspector Harvey Marmion and Detective Sergeant Joe Keedy are pulled from their beds to attend a sinister siege involving three burglars where one policeman has already been shot dead. Attempts at talking the men in the house into surrender are met with stony silence so the police proceed to batter down the door and Keedy bravely leads the way. A gunshot is heard. Keedy is hit. As Keedy is rushed to hospital, Marmion is on the trail of the men who fled the scene and startling revelations emerge. A cold-blooded killer is intent on finishing the job he started and has Keedy in his sights.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatgrmachine, BobBerry61, pluckedhighbrow

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A spate of robberies in jewellery shops in London ends when an officer is shot. Charged with investigating, the case is personal for Marmion as the shot officer is his daughter's fiancee. The evidence points to a gang of Irish Nationalists who seem to be led by a retired actress. However one of the gang is keen to silence the officer permanently so it is a race against time to find them whilst war rages in France.
I hadn't read any of the other books in the series but that didn't seem to matter as I slipped into the characters easily. I really liked the setting in the London police during World War 1, the book is well-researched and evocative. Essentially it is just a police procedural with a twist, but it is a solid one. ( )
  pluckedhighbrow | Nov 13, 2023 |
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February 1918. Detective Inspector Harvey Marmion and Detective Sergeant Joe Keedy are pulled from their beds to attend a sinister siege involving three burglars where one policeman has already been shot dead. Attempts at talking the men in the house into surrender are met with stony silence so the police proceed to batter down the door and Keedy bravely leads the way. A gunshot is heard. Keedy is hit. As Keedy is rushed to hospital, Marmion is on the trail of the men who fled the scene and startling revelations emerge. A cold-blooded killer is intent on finishing the job he started and has Keedy in his sights.

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