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The Ghost Tattoo: Discovering the hidden truth of my father's Holocaust

Tekijä: Tony Bernard

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1731,264,324 (4.1)1
To the outside world, Henry Bernard was a hard-working and beloved family doctor on Sydney's Northern Beaches. Yet he was also a Holocaust survivor whose life was profoundly affected by the experiences of his past. He took extreme steps for his family's security, keeping a rifle near his bedroom and covering up his family's Jewish origin. He was obsessed with paying off debt, the German word for debt being the same as the word for 'guilt'. He kept his striped Auschwitz uniform with a picture of his mother in his wardrobe. These obsessions helped destroy his marriage and restricted any hope he had of conventional domestic happiness. But Henry had a bigger secret and a deeper shame about what he had done during the war. He suffered privately until he began returning to Germany and Poland to confront his past and come to terms with the deaths of his parents and of Halina, the love of his life. This is the story of how Tony Bernard, Henry's eldest son, went on a forty-year journey with his father to solve the mystery of why Henry was the way he was, and how he finally came to understand the desperate choices Henry had made in the ghetto to try to keep himself and his family alive.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
Holocaust survival story told by son
The author writes of the slow process of his learning about his father’s experience during the Holocaust, which we also learn of. He has obviously done a lot of research. I felt that the father’s history, which is much more interesting, would have had much more impact if the author didn’t keep pulling the reader into the modern day. Nevertheless, the atrocities were horrific. No matter how many books on the holocaust I read, I am always stunned by the barbaric cruelty that occurred.
I won a free copy of this book (thanks to the author & publisher!) and am voluntarily providing an honest review. ( )
  AnnieKMD | Jun 8, 2024 |
I found this book to be enlightening. A lot of the books I've read about the Holocaust address the experiences of women and children, most of whom had limited power relative to some of the other victims. This book stood out for me in that it covered a very different perspective on the impossible life or death choices European Jews were forced to make under the Nazi regime and the lifetime toll they took on those who survived. Must read. ( )
  kkelley13 | Nov 2, 2023 |
Henry, a survivor of Nazi Germany has never fully opened up about his experiences of the war to his son, and now in his declining years, he realises that if he doesn't speak up now, his experiences and personal history will be lost forever.

Henry's story of horror and survival during one of the darkest periods in history makes for riveting reading.

The atrocities committed by the Nazis must never be forgotten, and this record will help keep the memories alive. ( )
  Steven1958 | Nov 18, 2022 |
näyttää 3/3
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To the outside world, Henry Bernard was a hard-working and beloved family doctor on Sydney's Northern Beaches. Yet he was also a Holocaust survivor whose life was profoundly affected by the experiences of his past. He took extreme steps for his family's security, keeping a rifle near his bedroom and covering up his family's Jewish origin. He was obsessed with paying off debt, the German word for debt being the same as the word for 'guilt'. He kept his striped Auschwitz uniform with a picture of his mother in his wardrobe. These obsessions helped destroy his marriage and restricted any hope he had of conventional domestic happiness. But Henry had a bigger secret and a deeper shame about what he had done during the war. He suffered privately until he began returning to Germany and Poland to confront his past and come to terms with the deaths of his parents and of Halina, the love of his life. This is the story of how Tony Bernard, Henry's eldest son, went on a forty-year journey with his father to solve the mystery of why Henry was the way he was, and how he finally came to understand the desperate choices Henry had made in the ghetto to try to keep himself and his family alive.

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