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Tekijä: Suzy Zail

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215,287,098 (4)-
A gritty YA novel about family secrets, hope and healing. Based on a true story. Lisa's father has six months to live. And a story to tell about a boy sent to Auschwitz. A boy who lost everything and started again. A story he has kept hidden - until now. But Lisa doesn't want to hear it, because she has secrets too. No one at school knows she is Jewish or that her dad is sick. Not even her boyfriend. But that's all about to change. And so is she.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatHeatherLINC, KirstyJ

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It was only after reading "Inkflower" that I discovered that the novel was basically a fictionalised biography of the author's father with dialogue added. At the age of thirteen, he was captured by the Nazis and sent to Auschwitz. Later in life he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease and given six months to live although he actually lived for five more years.
Inflower has two timelines - NOW and THEN. As the young protagonist, Lisa learns more about her father's past, she is also watching him fade away from his disease. This was a heartbreaking story and Suzy has cleverly written a novel set in 1982 to explore the horrors of the Holocaust. The story is sometimes brutal but also inspirational and is full of courage, love and hope.

As the author states at the end of this novel, soon there will not be any survivors left to say that the Holocaust was real. However, it is stories like this, inspired by true events that, hopefully, will warn future generations not to make the same mistakes. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Nov 26, 2023 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


A gritty YA novel about family secrets, hope and healing. Based on a true story. Lisa's father has six months to live. And a story to tell about a boy sent to Auschwitz. A boy who lost everything and started again. A story he has kept hidden - until now. But Lisa doesn't want to hear it, because she has secrets too. No one at school knows she is Jewish or that her dad is sick. Not even her boyfriend. But that's all about to change. And so is she.

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