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The Hunter (2024)

Tekijä: Tana French

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Cal Hooper (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
5012649,592 (4.14)34
"It's a blazing summer when two men arrive in a small village in the West of Ireland. One of them is coming home. Both of them are coming to get rich. One of them is coming to die. Cal Hooper took early retirement from Chicago PD and moved to rural Ireland looking for peace. He's found it, more or less: he's built a relationship with a local woman, Lena, and he's gradually turning Trey Reddy from a half-feral teenager into a good kid going good places. But then Trey's long-absent father reappears, bringing along an English millionaire and a scheme to find gold in the townland, and suddenly everything the three of them have been building is under threat. Cal and Lena are both ready to do whatever it takes to protect Trey, but Trey doesn't want protecting. What she wants is revenge. From the writer who is "in a class by herself," (The New York Times), a nuanced, atmospheric tale that explores what we'll do for our loved ones, what we'll do for revenge, and what we sacrifice when the two collide"--… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatyksityinen kirjasto, kwagnerroberts, crimson-tide, juliecheri, karenb, Citizenjoyce, marqlib, BLBera, lynnepr

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» Katso myös 34 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 26) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This one didn't grab me as tightly as did The Searcher. There are the same characters but their emotional interaction was a bit lacking, and there were way too many long conversations. However, little Trey is coming into her own. The women in the series are stepping up, and that saved the book for me. Though they all love their little village, nothing could make me live with these people. It's kind of like people telling me how much they love living in the South. There's no compensation for that kind of social oppression. ( )
  Citizenjoyce | Jun 24, 2024 |
Loved this book! Although it seemed to move along pretty slowly, I enjoyed the Irish dialect and interplay among the characters so much that I didn't mind. The ending was both unexpected and satisfying and was written beautifully. Great story! ( )
  flourgirl49 | Jun 20, 2024 |
Cal Hooper is a retired American police officer now living in a remote Irish village. Readers first met Cal in The Searcher, where he conducted an unofficial investigation on behalf of Trey, a teenage girl in difficult family circumstances. In this book, Trey’s father Johnny returns to the village after a long absence, bringing with him an Englishman claiming ancestral ties to the area and family legends about gold to be found there. This generates excitement in the village, and stirs up a mix of different emotions for Trey.

Gold? Really? Most of the villagers are too savvy to fall for that, and try to turn the situation to their advantage through other means. Trey is up to something, but keeps her thoughts and feelings bottled up. The first half of this book was more of a character-driven drama than a mystery and I was easily distracted. When a body finally showed up, the suspense built and the pace accelerated until all the loose ends were tied up. While I really like the protagonists, this book would have benefited from tighter integration of character development and mystery. ( )
  lauralkeet | Jun 20, 2024 |
A winner, follow-up to French's The Searcher, in which we learn more about Trey's family situation when her long absent father returns to a lukewarm welcome, with a scheme that aims to involve the whole town in an enterprise Cal is certain will come to no good. Every conversation in it is full of subtext, sometimes to the detriment of the narrative flow when a character ruminates on what So-and-So was actually saying. Other than that technique being a bit overdone, I loved the way the Irish modes of expression worked here, especially in pub scenes. Grand. ( )
  laytonwoman3rd | Jun 13, 2024 |
This is the second of the Cal Hooper series, though I think it could be named the Trey Reddy series. Trey is the teenage girl from the last novel who was hunting for her missing brother, Brendan. That novel ended in moral ambiguity in that it is suggested that Brendan died at the hands of the men from the village in an altercation over Brendan getting involved in narcotics.

Cal had taken Trey on as a carpentry apprentice and is committed to helping her overcome the rough circumstances of her childhood. He's also started a relationship with Lena, a widow who by choice lives on the periphery of the town's social hierarchy. Both Cal and Lena are committed to Trey's well being, when Johnny Redding, Trey's absent father waltzes back into town after a 4 year absence. He has a get rich scheme to sell the town in which they are to dupe a rich Londoner into gold speculation. In reality it's a sting operation with a lot of twists and turns.

Trey, seeking revenge for Brendan's death thinks she sees a way to get back at the townsmen responsible for Brendan's death and retaliation at her father as well. Cal and Lena try hard to protect Trey, but she resists their help until a critical juncture.

The long, dry, hot summer is critical to the atmosphere of the story and contributes to the twist at the end. This is another one that ends with moral ambiguity, which I suspect will be the hallmark of the Cal Hooper series. ( )
1 ääni tangledthread | Jun 5, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 26) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"It's a blazing summer when two men arrive in a small village in the West of Ireland. One of them is coming home. Both of them are coming to get rich. One of them is coming to die. Cal Hooper took early retirement from Chicago PD and moved to rural Ireland looking for peace. He's found it, more or less: he's built a relationship with a local woman, Lena, and he's gradually turning Trey Reddy from a half-feral teenager into a good kid going good places. But then Trey's long-absent father reappears, bringing along an English millionaire and a scheme to find gold in the townland, and suddenly everything the three of them have been building is under threat. Cal and Lena are both ready to do whatever it takes to protect Trey, but Trey doesn't want protecting. What she wants is revenge. From the writer who is "in a class by herself," (The New York Times), a nuanced, atmospheric tale that explores what we'll do for our loved ones, what we'll do for revenge, and what we sacrifice when the two collide"--

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Keskiarvo: (4.14)
1 1
2 2
2.5 1
3 13
3.5 7
4 43
4.5 18
5 33

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