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Villains by Necessity

Tekijä: Elisse Hay

Sarjat: Something Wicked (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
423,512,630 (4)-
I follow the rules when they're fair, but since when has love ever been fair? There's a power vacuum triggering issues between the magi and vampires that's threatening to unleash a nightmare. Vampires, witches, and fae I can fight. That's all in a day's work. But my enemies' choice of weapon is the most terrifying of all-love. I'm paid to guide the magickal members of our community. I won't have an obsession-fuelled team of witches running an abusive, Cupid-esque racket. And I definitely won't let my client be drawn back into their horrific web. One thing's for sure, love has a dark underside, and it's coming for my client-but first, it'll have to go through me.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatclairszulik, carod, Araskov, EarlyReviewers

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Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
Unveiling Shadows and Struggles in "Villains by Necessity" by Elisse Hay

In "Villains by Necessity," Elisse Hay takes readers on a thrilling journey through a world where magic, vampires, and fae coexist in an intricate dance of power and danger. The second installment in the "Something Wicked" series, this novel offers a captivating blend of supernatural intrigue, suspense, and a touch of romance, all set against a backdrop of shifting allegiances and hidden motives.

The narrative follows a protagonist who thrives on adhering to fair rules, yet grapples with the disruptive emergence of love as a weapon in a power struggle. The world of magi and vampires is teetering on the edge of chaos, with a power vacuum threatening to plunge it into darkness. As a guide for the magickal community, the protagonist finds themselves drawn into a web of intrigue, deceit, and manipulation.

Elisse Hay masterfully crafts a tale that combines supernatural elements with complex interpersonal dynamics. The protagonist's journey is a captivating exploration of moral dilemmas, personal convictions, and the lengths one is willing to go to protect those they care about. The central conflict, fueled by the unexpected use of love as a weapon, adds a layer of depth and complexity that elevates the narrative beyond the realm of typical paranormal fiction.

The world-building in "Villains by Necessity" is rich and immersive, immersing readers in a fantastical universe where magi and vampires coexist with an air of tension and unease. Hay's vivid descriptions bring the setting to life, painting a canvas that captures the essence of magic and darkness entwined.

The protagonist's determination to resist the manipulation of love, even as they confront their own emotions, adds a relatable and human dimension to their character. Their struggles mirror the complexities of real-life choices and temptations, inviting readers to reflect on the fine line between control and surrender.

Hay's writing is engaging and evocative, delivering a narrative that pulses with tension and intrigue. The pacing keeps readers invested, while the well-crafted dialogue and interactions bring the characters to life. The novel's exploration of love's darker aspects serves as a compelling metaphor for the complexities of human relationships, demonstrating that even in a world of magic and fantasy, the human experience remains at the core.

"Villains by Necessity" is more than a tale of supernatural battles and mystical powers; it's a reflection on the dual nature of love and the choices we make in the face of adversity. Elisse Hay's skillful storytelling, coupled with the unique blend of fantasy and emotional resonance, results in a novel that transcends genre boundaries. As readers journey through the protagonist's struggles and revelations, they are treated to a captivating narrative that is both thought-provoking and thoroughly entertaining.
  Araskov | Aug 16, 2023 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
Rory Gold is a witch in a world where the supernatural mixes with the human. Ever since supernatural beings from the Otherworld started crossing over into the human world, witches like Rory have been employed to help control them. Rory is a caretaker: a social worker for supernatural beings trying to integrate into human society. As soon as Rory and Arthur, the wizard leader of her coven, have solved the last mystery, they are attacked. Also, Deidre, a witch under Rory’s protection, is being threatened by the dangerous people she escaped from. The retrieval team that Rory used to work with is called on the deal with the threat. At the same time vampires are moving into the territory and threatening the leading wizards and Rory’s allies. Lycanthropes have also been attacking. All this activity is overwhelming the retrieval teams and Rory is called on to step in and resume her old duties. The danger for herself, and those she cares about, causes disruptions in her relationships and brings back traumatic memories from Rory’s past. Rory decides to take some dangerous risks to resolve the threats.

This is the second book in the Something Wicked urban fantasy series. It isn’t necessary to have read the first book to enjoy this one, but it does help understand the supernatural world the author has created. This series takes place in Australia, which is fun. The author does a great job with all the characters and Rory’s friends, family, allies and adversaries are all very interesting. Rory is a very strong and independent character. She has great powers and abilities, but her past trauma, and need to save everyone, leads her to push herself too hard. Her personal life is a bit of a mess in this book and she bounces about in her relationships. There is some sexual content in this book, but not excessive. I sometimes found the fight scenes a bit confusing, but overall the book is exciting and moves quickly. I am enjoying this urban fantasy series and am looking forward to the next one. ( )
  carod | Jul 28, 2023 |
näyttää 2/2
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I follow the rules when they're fair, but since when has love ever been fair? There's a power vacuum triggering issues between the magi and vampires that's threatening to unleash a nightmare. Vampires, witches, and fae I can fight. That's all in a day's work. But my enemies' choice of weapon is the most terrifying of all-love. I'm paid to guide the magickal members of our community. I won't have an obsession-fuelled team of witches running an abusive, Cupid-esque racket. And I definitely won't let my client be drawn back into their horrific web. One thing's for sure, love has a dark underside, and it's coming for my client-but first, it'll have to go through me.

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Elisse Hay's book Villains by Necessity was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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